
PracaOferty pracy Kraków › Reward Specialist in Mobility

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Reward Specialist in Mobility




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Become part of our great team 
You will become part of our Performance, Reward & Mobility Team, which is a part of the group’s People & Culture team, with the global responsibility for the Performance, Reward & Mobility area. We are an international team of 6, 3 in Poland and 3 in Denmark.
Ensure a fair treatment of all.
Your core responsibility will be for the tasks within internal mobility, assisting managers and employees to move to a new country – with the aim of giving all a fair treatment. As a second area of responsibility, you will work closely with another member for our Performance, Reward and Mobility team to support our Performance and Development Process and help facilitate employee development discussions between managers and employees.  The main tasks will be:   
  • Maintain mobility guidelines and policies and ensure the needed training and support to those using them.
  • Ensure the handling of the mobility cases according to polices and guidelines. Cases such as:
    • Long Term Assignments
    • Trainees and graduates on developmental assignment abroad.
    • Extended business travel & Short-Term Assignments.
    • Extensions
  • Coordinate mobility tasks with external mobility partners within tax, immigration & Relocation
  • Support with other mobility related projects, tasks, and guidance – e.g., in connection with Permanent Establishment cases.
Support our Performance and Development Process (PDP) in cooperation with the reward specialist responsible for PDP:
  • Push STI Goal weights to launched forms in advance of PDP launch communication.
  • Update STI Group & Business Unit goals in SuccessFactors when they have been approved.
  • Handle simple PDP tasks like e.g., passwords + launch forms and send welcome E-mails to new joiners.
  • Run the goals setting process in PDP and STI PDP trough systematic communication and follow-up.
  • Participate in the development and communication of new PDP cycles.
  • Support the STI goal settlement with tasks such as frequent updates of the STI settlement master with SuccessFactors, collection of payroll data and distribution of bonus files to the various payroll contacts.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

Service minded specialist
Ideally, you have experience from working with international mobility. You know how international tax and immigration laws function and you enjoy turning complex setups into clear advice and solutions, hereby helping managers and employees through your specialist knowledge.  

Firma oferuje:

What do we offer? Glad that you asked! 

You will get a manager who encourages development, new learning and support employees who have ambitions. We are a global organization and have many locations within EU and you must therefore expect around 10-20 travel days per year.

If we have captured your interest and you are still motivated to apply, please send your CV. We encourage you to apply as soon as possible, as we continuously evaluate incoming applications.

We look forward to hearing from you!

We are a food company owned by Danish farmers supplying high-quality food to customers and consumers all over the world. From butchers to business developers, we’re more than 26,000 colleagues, all committed to lowering our carbon footprint and becoming climate neutral by 2050, for better food and a brighter.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

Kliknij tutaj, aby skontaktować się z pracodawcą lub wysłać swoje CV »

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data publikacji: 2024-06-20

do końca oferty: 9 dni


branże: HR


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