
PracaOferty pracy KrakówFinancial Accounting and Reporting Specialist

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Financial Accounting and Reporting Specialist




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Financial Accounting and Reporting Specialist
NR REF.: 1151537

For my client, the largest independent investment management company, we are looking for a Financial Accounting and Reporting Specialist.

You will be responsible for keeping a comprehensive general ledger and preparing financial statements within the framework of fund accounting for Alternative Investment Funds.

Additionally on this position:

  • Independent and responsible processing of all business transactions and their accounting within the framework of fund accounting for Alternative Investment Funds
  • Coordination and control of the accounting service providers and general partners of all national and international investments, including the collection of the necessary data and information as well as their proper preparation and further processing;39
  • Settlement of payment transactions;
  • Unit price calculation and associated fund price reconciliation;
  • Taking over reconciliation work with the custodians;
  • Preparation of annual financial statements and input to the preparation of related reports;
  • Close cooperation with external partners such as asset managers, general partners and investors;
  • Direct contact person for internal and external auditors, such as auditors and tax consulting firms;
  • Close cooperation with internal departments, e.g. reporting, taxes/annual re-ports, portfolio management;
  • Collaboration to create service level agreements;
  • Project work (e.g. participation in the set-up and takeover of funds);
  • Active participation in the design and optimization of internal processes;
  • Participation in the professional and technical further development of the as-signed tasks; (Suggestions for improvement, concepts, support during testing and implementation in production);
  • Assistance with the implementation of new processes;
  • Support of colleagues in case of bottlenecks

The ideal candidate should present:

  • experience in providing full bookkeeping service through to preparation of financial statements using appropriate systems,
  • knowledge of in international accounting standards GAAP´s (IFRS, US GAAP, Luxembourg GAAP, Investment Law),
  • experience in the Real Estate Industry or Private Equity will be considered as an asset.

 Our client offers full-time work based on a work contract, training packages and employee benefits.

If you are interested, please apply and find out more Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361

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data publikacji: 2024-09-20

do końca oferty: 59 dni

pracodawca: HAYS

branże: Księgowość / Audyt


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