
PracaOferty pracy KrakówAGILE Release Train Engineer

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AGILE Release Train Engineer




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

AGILE Release Train Engineer
NR REF.: 1191549

Great opportunity for a Safe AGILE Release Train Engineer!For one of our clients - we are looking for a Safe AGILE Release Train Engineer
Key Tasks & Responsibilities:

  • Manage and optimize the flow of value through the ART using various tools, such as the Program Kanban and other information radiators
  • Establish and communicate the annual calendars for Iterations and Program Increments (PIs)
  • Facilitate PI Planning readiness by fostering a Continuous Exploration process that drives the synthesis of a Vision, a Roadmap, and Backlogs, and through Pre- and Post-PI Planning events
  • Summarize Team PI Objectives into Program PI Objectives (the RTE) and publish them for visibility and transparency
  • Assist in tracking the execution of features and capabilities
  • Facilitate periodic synchronization events, including the ART sync
  • Assist with economic decision-making by facilitating feature and capability estimation by teams and the roll-up to Epics, where necessary
  • Help manage risks and dependencies
  • Escalate and track impediments
  • Provide input on resourcing to address critical bottlenecks
  • Encourage collaboration between teams and System and Solution Architects/Engineering
  • Work with Product and Solution Management, Product Owners, and other stakeholders to help ensure strategy and execution alignment
  • Improve the flow of value through value streams by improving and assessing the practices associated with DevOps and Release on Demand in the Continuous Delivery Pipeline
  • Help drive the Lean User Experience (UX) innovation cycle
  • Work with the Agile Program Management Office (APMO) on program execution and operational excellence (see Lean Portfolio Management)
  • Understand and operate within Lean Budgets and ensure adherence to Guardrails
  • Facilitate System Demos
  • Drive relentless improvement via Inspect and Adapt workshops; assess the agility level of the ART and help them improve
  • Foster Communities of Practice and the use of engineering and Built-In Quality practices

Qualifications & Competencies (education, skills, experience):
  • Excellent English skills
  • Experience in coaching leaders, teams, and Scrum Masters in Lean-Agile practices and mindsets
  • Leading Agile Release Train in planning and execution
  • Safe scaled AGILE certified
  • Ability to communicate and present at all levels within an international organization, both written and verbal in native and English language
  • Ability to independently set priorities, develop a work schedule, monitor progress towards goals and track progress
  • Analytical thinker with a creative and pragmatic approach to problem-solving

What do We offer:
  • A challenging position at the heart of an international corporation
  • The possibility to grow up with the company and join the team consists of professionals with a passion for their work
  • Stable and secure work environment with long-term career opportunities
  • A rich benefits package (private medical care, life insurance, sports cards, meal vouchers)
  • Occasional gift cards
  • The organisation supports opportunities for personal and professional development
  • Tuition Assistance
  • Employee Assistance Program

Hays Poland sp. z o.o. jest agencją zatrudnienia zarejestrowaną w rejestrze prowadzonym przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 361.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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data publikacji: 2025-03-20

do końca oferty: 34 dni

pracodawca: HAYS

branże: Informatyka / Telekomunikacja


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