
PracaOferty pracy KatowiceTravel Advisor with Greek Expertise

Kto szuka:



Travel Advisor with Greek Expertise




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Your responsibilities
  • Connecting Across Channels: Engage with adventurers via phone, chat, and email, making every interaction a step into their next great story. Whether inbound or outbound, your communication will be the bridge between dreams and reality.
  • Delivering Exceptional Experiences: Your proactive, patient approach will make each customer feel heard and valued, as you weave their travel tales with care and precision.
  • Guarding Trust: Safeguard sensitive information with professionalism, ensuring trust is the cornerstone of every interaction.
  • Collaborative Excellence: Join a dynamic team, where passion meets purpose, and together, strive to deliver outstanding customer experiences.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

Our requirements
  • Linguistic Fluency: With Greek at C1 and English at B2, you will navigate daily conversations with ease, turning language into a tool for adventure.
  • Positive Energy: Your genuine desire to help others will shine through, creating memorable experiences.
  • Flexible Spirit: Embrace the adventure of working flexible hours, including weekends and holidays.
  • Office Enthusiasm: Thrive in our modern Katowice office, where inspiration and a supportive team surround you.

Firma oferuje:

What we offer
  • Stability & Benefits: A solid foundation of full-time employment with competitive perks awaits you.
  • Dynamic Workspace: Our vibrant Katowice office is your launchpad, equipped for success and growth.
  • Comprehensive Training: Dive into hands-on training, preparing you for every customer interaction.
  • Supportive Team: Join an international family that values your contribution and fosters your professional development.
  • Growth Opportunities: Climb the career ladder or explore new roles within the company. We believe in nurturing talent from within.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

Kliknij tutaj, aby skontaktować się z pracodawcą lub wysłać swoje CV »

Oferta pochodzi z serwisu
oferty pracy praca
POPRZEDNIA OFERTA Specjalista ds. rozwoju sprzedaży Wszystkie oferty NASTĘPNA OFERTA Malarz

Szukasz pracownika?
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sprawdź szczegóły

data publikacji: 2025-03-25

do końca oferty: 28 dni

pracodawca: Concentrix

branże: Sprzedaż


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