
PracaOferty pracy KatowiceProject Director with German

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Project Director with German




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Project Director with German
NR REF.: 1191590

For our client in the engineering sector, we are seeking a candidate for the role of Project Director with German language skills. The ideal candidate will have at least 8 years of experience as a Project Manager in the chemical, petrochemical, or energy industries. This opportunity is with an international company that has extensive experience in the market.

Your responsibilities:

  • Support the Proposal Manager in developing the best econom and technical solutions tailored to the final customer39s requirements (budget, planning, scope, final technical solution, etc.)
  • Contribute to the technical proposal, price validation, and definition of the contractual framework
  • Develop a project execution strategy that ensures success
  • Participate in risk assessment and suggest risk mitigation actions
  • Participate in negotiations with the client
  • Ensure compliance with AL E&C rules and systems and any applicable external regulations and guidelines
  • Ensure effective handover from the development phase to the execution phase
  • Ensure excellence in project execution management to deliver AL E&C39s commitments to the client, as defined during the handover (technical performance, Capex, schedule, quality, risks, safety, etc.)
  • Provide exceptional services in on-site project activities, including commissioning
  • Prepare the Project Management Plan
  • Define roles and responsibilities and provide clear and focused leadership for the project team to create a vision for project success
  • Lead and coordinate interactions between various project stakeholders to ensure overall performance, quality, and integrity of the plant up to the handover to the client
  • Manage and monitor project performance on an ongoing basis to identify issues and opportunities early and take appropriate preventive actions
  • Monitor and control all cost aspects of the project to forecast costs, identify trends, and take proactive actions to avoid cost overruns and capitalise on opportunities
  • Identify and monitor the closure of project risks and opportunities
  • Accurate, timely, and effective progress reporting to the management team
  • Effective management of client and supplier contracts (changes, close-out, etc.)
  • Collaborate with team members to visibly support and comply with the AL E&C Safety First policy and ensure that HSE requirements are followed by all project participants
  • Prepare and conduct the capitalisation review
Expectations from candidate : 
  • Engineering diploma (science or engineering) or Master39s in Project Management
  • High professionalism with at least 10+ years of demonstrable relevant experience in international project management with similar EPC/PMC contractors within the oil and gas sector – preferably with 8 years of experience as a Project Director
  • Broad understanding of business drivers for oil and gas clients
  • Focus on customer relations
  • Technical knowledge related to the project scope and ability to understand applicable specifications and standards
  • Broad understanding of the main project execution interfaces (engineering, procurement, site activities, etc.) to effectively anticipate and address challenges
  • Analytical and strategic thinking to quickly and effectively make the right decisions based on available information
  • Strong negotiation skills in dealing with suppliers and/or EPC contractors

Co powinieneś zrobić?
Jeśli ta oferta jest idealna dla Ciebie, kliknij ‘Aplikuj’ i prześlij nam swoje aktualne cv.

Hays Poland sp. z o.o. jest agencją zatrudnienia zarejestrowaną w rejestrze prowadzonym przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 361.

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data publikacji: 2025-02-16

do końca oferty: 56 dni

pracodawca: HAYS

branże: Elektryka / Elektronika / Energetyka


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