
PracaOferty pracy KatowiceCustomer Service Advisor with German

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Customer Service Advisor with German




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Your Daily Grind:
  • Start every day with a delicious cup of coffee, and help our customers by answering queries through phone, chat, or web forms 
  • Each case is handled like a special coffee recipe – resolving warranty issues, coordinating repairs, and providing technical support.
  • Your troubleshooting skills will be like the secret ingredient to a perfect cup, ensuring customer satisfaction with every interaction .
  • From order handling to returns, you’ll make sure customers enjoy every part of their experience – just like savoring a great cup of coffee

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

What We Expect:
  • Fluent German (C1/C2) and conversational English (B2) – just like coffee connects people around the world, your language skills will connect us with customers globally. 
  • Experience in customer service – a barista of customer support with knowledge of consumer products? Amazing!
  • Comfortable working with multiple platforms and systems – like a barista equipped with the best coffee tools.
  • Empathy – just like every sip of coffee sets the right mood, your approach to customers will be key in building strong relationships.
Nice to Have:
  • Experience in a Contact Center, resolving complaints – like every customer deserves their perfect cup, every issue deserves the best solution!
  • Interest in new technologies – if you brew coffee with AI, we’re on the same page!

Firma oferuje:

What We Offer:
  • Work at Global Office Park, in the heart of Katowice – who wouldn’t want to work in a city as energetic and inspiring as their morning cup of coffee? 
  • Benefits package: private medical care (LuxMed), MyBenefit, life insurance, language training – with good coffee at every step! 
  • An attractive referral bonus – because like coffee, the best moments are shared with great company!
  • A relaxed, international team where every day feels like a cup of great coffee – full of positive energy! 
Additional Perks:
  • Sports, medical care, and training – everything you need to live life to the fullest, like a well-brewed cup of coffee!
  • Video games – because your coffee break can also be a little fun!
  • Fruit days, coffee, tea – because every day starts with your favorite cup!

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

Kliknij tutaj, aby skontaktować się z pracodawcą lub wysłać swoje CV »

Oferta pochodzi z serwisu
oferty pracy praca

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sprawdź szczegóły

data publikacji: 2025-02-24

do końca oferty: 13 dni

pracodawca: Concentrix

branże: Sprzedaż


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