
PracaOferty pracy GdańskVisual Designer

Kto szuka:

Cognizant Technology Solutions Poland Sp. z o.o.


Visual Designer




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

hybrid work model
Working Hours: 2PM - 10PM

Contract for 1 Year | extension possible

As a Visual Designer, you will be in charge of creating Client’s cloud graphics and digital materials to the brand guidelines and style standards including, but not limited to, Slides, Graphical Assets and Marketing materials (Cloud Learning Services). As a Visual Consultant, you will be working on Visual Design strategies to produce solutions like Infographics, Data Visualization, Gamification, Design Slides, Marketing materials/collaterals, Logo designs.

  • 3+ Years Visual Design Experience,
  • Fine Arts/Visual Design degree, equivalent academic or industry experience,
  • Technologies: Adobe Creative Suite, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign PowerPoint & Word,
  • Good communication skills and ability to articulate the requirements and turn them into client’s brand compliant visual designs,
  • Experience with Page Layouts & Graphic Design, User Interface Design, Infographic, Visualization,
  • Clear understanding of Design Principles,
  • Ability to create interactive designs,
  • Good to have: Team Coordination/Management, Video & Audio Editing, G-Suite and Workspace.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

Key Responsibilities:
  • Developing design, updating visual storyboards, creating skill badges,
  • Creating client’s cloud graphics and digital materials,
  • Creating library of images & illustrations,
  • Enhancing the training content/slides/deck visually as per agreed branding and standards, Slide decks and Video storyboards - this includes updating existing slides of training content to meet client’s brand standards and accessibility requirements,
  • Creating slides, data sheets, graphic assets (flow charts, page layouts and designs) and marketing materials,
  • Working closely with Program Manager located onsite,
  • Developing slide content to meet Accessibility standards as defined in client’s Accessibility guideline,
  • Continuous Improvement (Work with Process Excellence teams to identify areas of improvement inefficiency and CSAT & help execute solutions),
  • Designing/developing PDFs for the marketing team,
  • Creating assets, brochures, badges for training,
  • Revision of the content provided by SME.

Firma oferuje:

We offer:
  • Opportunity to be part of a global organization with good practices and focused on continuous development,
  • Open-minded and multinational environment,
  • Pleasant and inspiring working atmosphere,
  • Professional development and ambitious tasks,
  • Access to training needed on the position occupied,
  • Employment contract and stable employment,
  • Competitive salary and various benefit package: private health care including dental care, life insurance, language courses and other benefits available under cafeteria benefits.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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Oferta pochodzi z serwisu
oferty pracy praca

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data publikacji: 2025-03-17

do końca oferty: 14 dni

pracodawca: Cognizant Technology Solutions Poland Sp. z o.o.

branże: Grafika / Kreacja artystyczna / Fotografia


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