
PracaOferty pracy GdańskOnline Data Analyst Polish (PL)

Kto szuka:

TELUS International AI Inc


Online Data Analyst Polish (PL)




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Remote (work from home)

Job Description:


Are you a detail-oriented individual with a passion for research and a good understanding of national and local geography? This freelance opportunity allows you to work at your own pace and from the comfort of your own home.


A Day in the Life of an Online Data Analyst:
  • In this role, you will be working on a project aimed at enhancing the content and quality of digital maps that are used by millions of people worldwide
  • Completing research and evaluation tasks in a web-based environment such as verifying and comparing data, and determining the relevance and accuracy of information.

Join us today and be part of a dynamic and innovative team that is making a difference in the world!

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

Qualification Path:


No previous professional experience is required to apply to this role, however, working on this project will require you to pass the basic requirements and go through a standard assessment process. This is a part-time long-term project and your work will be subject to our standard quality assurance checks during the term of this agreement. 


Basic Requirements:
  • Full Professional Proficiency in Polish and English
  • Being a resident in Poland for the last 2 consecutive years and having familiarity with current and historical business, media, sport, news, social media, and cultural affairs in Poland
  • Ability to follow guidelines and conduct online research using search engines, online maps, and website information
  • Flexibility to work across a diverse set of task types, including maps, news, audio tasks, and relevance
  • Daily access to a broadband internet connection, computer, and relevant software

Firma oferuje:


In order to be hired into the program, you’ll take an open book qualification exam that will determine your suitability for the position and complete ID verification. Our team will provide you with guidelines and learning materials before your qualification exam. You will be required to complete the exam in a specific timeframe but at your convenience.
Equal Opportunity

All qualified applicants will receive consideration for a contractual relationship without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, or protected veteran status. At TELUS Digital AI, we are proud to offer equal opportunities and are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive community. All aspects of selection are based on applicants’ qualifications, merits, competence, and performance without regard to any characteristic related to diversity.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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Oferta pochodzi z serwisu
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data publikacji: 2024-12-12

do końca oferty: 28 dni

pracodawca: TELUS International AI Inc

branże: Informatyka / Telekomunikacja


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