
PracaOferty pracy GdańskJunior Farmer Support Specjalist with English

Kto szuka:

Arla Global Shared Services Sp. z o.o.


Junior Farmer Support Specjalist with English

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Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Are you ready to make a positive impact in agriculture? Join our team and support our farmer owners while experiencing a dynamic corporate environment and contributing to sustainable farming.


Our Members Service & Operations team in Gdańsk, established two years ago, provides timely support to over 8,000 farmer owners across seven European countries. As a Farmer Support Specialist, you’ll play a key role in front-line and operational support.

How you’ll make an impact:

Administrative & Process Support – Assist teams in direct farmer contact, manage CRM data, documentation, and system updates. Collaborate with IT to enhance workflows.

Relationship Building – Establish trust with farmers by providing accurate, timely, and high-quality support.

Sustainability Support – Help administer quality assurance programs and participate in sustainability initiatives.

Knowledge Resource Creation – Develop a knowledge library and "how-to" guides for farmers and teams.

Ad Hoc & Project Work – Handle daily tasks and contribute to cross-functional projects with opportunities for growth.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

Who are you? 
  • Fluent in English (minimum B2/C1 level) with excellent communication skills.
  • Hold at least a bachelor's degree in a relevant field.
  • Organized and detail-oriented, with strong self-motivation and the ability to manage complexity while effectively prioritizing tasks.
  • Customer-focused, with a willingness to support farmers and handle their inquiries with a positive, can-do attitude.
  • Adaptable communicator, capable of adjusting your style to suit different audiences.
  • Proactive problem solver, able to identify and suggest process improvements.
  • Experience with documentation is a plus.
  • Background in customer service is a strong advantage.
  • Familiarity with Salesforce is an additional benefit.

Firma oferuje:

What do we offer?

Global Shared Services is truly a global setup. As such, you will have the opportunity to collabo-rate closely with business areas across cultures and borders. You can bring your knowledge and understanding into the mix to break new ground with Customer Service in Global Shared Services.
  •  International operating environment  
  • Medical care & life insurance  
  • Additional benefits like gym card, vouchers, travel points or cinema tickets, etc. 
  • Scandinavian working style & no dress code 
  • Trainings with experts & professional induction & development programs
  • Financial support of your education  
  • Relocation package 
  • Referral program for employees 
  • Employee Assistance Program (legal, psychologi-cal, health, financial consulting, etc. ) 
  • Support for your healthy lifestyle (fruit day, facility for sportsmen, sport challenges and activities, Arla active teams / sport groups) 
  • Flexible working time and home office work possibility depending on business needs
  • Additional holiday depending on length of employment (up to 4 days) 
  • Fully paid 30 min. break 
… while in the office you can also use some of below:  
  • Modern office space with beautiful view and high standard furniture (i.e. adjustable desks) 
  • Spacious canteen, delicious coffee and tea available on every floor in special de-signed spots 
  • Chill-out rooms with X-box, pool table, board games, football table and swing 

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data publikacji: 2025-03-21

do końca oferty: 24 dni

pracodawca: Arla Global Shared Services Sp. z o.o.

branże: Informatyka / Telekomunikacja


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