
PracaOferty pracy WroclawTransport Planner

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Transport Planner




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Transport Planner
NR REF.: 1190681

Currently we are looking for candidates for position of: Transport Planner for a manufacturing company located near Wroclaw. 

The Transport Planner is responsible for the area of Transport Planning within the Supply Chain function at regional level, including: 
- Build and foster relationships with sites, departments, and customers to optimise delivery performance to ensure products are collected and despatched on time, and in full.
- Timely Coordination of responses to queries from Customers, Customer Care and Production operations using the Supply Chain Cockpit Process.
- Proactively manage booking of domestic and international routes ensuring ample time allowed for booking with the end customer. 
- Control of the system master data such as transit times and pallet calculations to support in the performance of all Logistics activities.
- Update of On Time in Full (OTIF) performance reporting and corrective actions.
- Communicate any delivery discrepancy as it occurs and report any potential service failures once identified.
- Ensure that delivery creation and communications to carriers are made on time, to meet customer specifications and site requirements.
- Coordination of Shipment document and Freight costing processes to ensure carriers invoicing is clean and accurate and delays to customer invoicing processes are not incurred.
- Coordination of Special Transport Delivery process, whilst minimising costs incurred.

If you39re interested in this role, click 39apply now39 to forward an up-to-date copy of your CV, or call us now.

Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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data publikacji: 2025-03-11

do końca oferty: 59 dni

pracodawca: HAYS

branże: Logistyka / Transport / Zakupy


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