
PracaOferty pracy WroclawSupply Planner Team Leader

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Supply Planner Team Leader




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Supply Planner Team Leader
NR REF.: 1190614

For an international company (non-automotive sector), we are currently looking for talented people for the position of Supply Planner Tem Leader.

The Supply Planning Team Leader is a key part of managing supply at the level that is the result of activities within the supply range.

Their main unit includes:

  • Management of the supply planner system, acting as a mentor and expert.
  • The leader supports team development, promotes high-performance plastic and eco-friendly products.
Cellular Process Supervision:
  • Monitoring and managing supply processes, including analysis of the operating system, inventory, and inventory targets.
  • Creation and implementation of comprehensive supply solutions in the SAP system that meet financial, execution, and service level objectives.
Interdepartmental Cooperation:
  • Active communication with legal planners, account management, sales, and finance.
  • The leader ensures distribution and replenishment compliance and exception reporting for the assigned business unit. Formulates recommendations on actions that can be taken to satisfy actual and projected judgment.
Order Management:
  • Verify that order system compliance is consistent and followed in process orders.
  • Generate deliveries and shipments of materials to external manufacturers, for continuous customer service.
Inventory Management:
  • Monitor finished goods inventory as part of the inventory management process. 
  • Collaborate with sales stakeholders, final planners, and supply stakeholder interests to minimise risk and apply it to gain access.
System Optimisation:
  • Monitor and accurately deliver results such as on-time delivery and inventory. 
  • Accountable for Lean initiatives from a research perspective, the entire supply chain benefits from the improvements made.
Build Communication Channels:
  • In intermediaries of communication channels between upstream groups within the supply chain through sourcing, thought leadership, and tactical and strategic planning.
Represent the team:
  • Represent and supply team at meetings that are appropriately represented and informed on strategic decisions.

Our expectations :
  • Higher education in logistics, supply chain management or related
  • Min. 3 years of experience in a similar position
  • Experience in team management 
  • Experience in supply planning and management of logistics processes
  • Knowledge of ERP systems such as SAP, and tools for planning and monitoring deliveries (Power BI is an asset)
  • Ability to analyse data and forecast demand
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, enabling effective cooperation with various departments of the company
  • Ability to work under time pressure and flexibility in decision-making
  • Ability to optimise logistics processes to minimise risk and prevent its recurrence
  • Advanced knowledge of English: C1/C2

Co powinieneś zrobić?
Jeśli ta oferta jest idealna dla Ciebie, kliknij ‘Aplikuj’ i prześlij nam swoje aktualne cv.

Hays Poland sp. z o.o. jest agencją zatrudnienia zarejestrowaną w rejestrze prowadzonym przez Marszałka Województwa Mazowieckiego pod numerem 361.

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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data publikacji: 2024-12-21

do końca oferty: 59 dni

pracodawca: HAYS

branże: Logistyka / Transport / Zakupy


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