
PracaOferty pracy WroclawFrontend Angular Developer

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Frontend Angular Developer




Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

Frontend Angular Developer
NR REF.: 1192231

Hays IT Contracting is a cooperation based on B2B rules. We connect IT specialists with the most interesting, technological projects on the market.Join the group of 500 satisfied Contractors working for Hays’ clients!
For our Client we are currently looking for Candidates for the position of:
Senior Frontend Angular Developer
Location: remote / WrocławBranch: project in IT sectorJob type: B2B (with Hays Poland)Rate: 100-129 PLN/h net on B2B (negotiable)Start date: ASAPWorking hours: Standard working hoursHybrid work: Twice a week in the office (office in Wrocław)

Tech stack:Angular, Javascript, SCSS, AWS, Java
Project:Project for a large client from the IT sector
What will you do:

  • Collaborate closely with the UX design team to implement and maintain design systems
  • Develop, enhance, and customize AEM components in line with project requirements
  • Ensure compliance with WCAG 2.2 AA
  • Create responsive, user-friendly interfaces with a focus on performance and scalability
  • Integrate front-end applications with AWS services
  • Contribute to the continuous improvement of development practices and processes
  • Involvement in pipelines and deployments process

What will you get:
  • Long-term cooperation with the client implementing projects for the largest players in the banking, insurance, telco and more sectors
  • Standard benefits - preferential rates for LuxMed and Multisport packages
  • When you choose to work via Hays, you also get the opportunity to work for many of Hays39 other leading clients in the future

What we expect from you:
  • Strong proficiency in Angular - min. 6-7 years of experience, JavaScript 6-7 years, SCSS is a must have
  • proficiency in Java, AEM, AWS
  • Experience in developing and maintaining design systems
  • Knowledge of web accessibility standards and best practices
  • Ability to collaborate effectively with UX designers and other team members
  • Commitment to delivering high-quality digital experiences
  • Very good command of spoken and written English (min. B2+)

What would be a plus:Higher education in the field of computer science, mathematics or related
What will the recruitment process look like:
  • Your CV will be verified by Hays Recruiter
  • Recruiter will contact you by phone - a 15-minute conversation about the project and your experience
  • Technical conversation with the client - online meetings (1h + 1h)
  • Offer
  • Welcome to the project!
  • Hays Poland sp. z o.o. is an employment agency registered in a registry kept by Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship under the number 361.

    Kontakt do pracodawcy:

    Kliknij tutaj, aby skontaktować się z pracodawcą lub wysłać swoje CV »

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    sprawdź szczegóły

    data publikacji: 2025-03-20

    do końca oferty: 58 dni

    pracodawca: HAYS

    branże: Informatyka / Telekomunikacja


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