
PracaOferty pracy BydgoszczSite Director

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Site Director

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Opis stanowiska podany przez pracodawcę:

About Heraeus
  • Solutions from the Heraeus Group provide faster internet, rid water of germs, and keep hearts beating in time. As a family-owned global technology group, we combine materials expertise and technological leadership to create the most diverse products, all with one thing in common: World-class quality.
About Heraeus Conamic
  • We are one of the leading materials specialists for the production and processing of high-purity quartz glass and other high-grade materials such as ceramics and novel composites. Our innovative products enable the production of state-of-the-art semiconductor chips or medical lasers for minimally invasive surgical procedures through flexible optical fibers. As a global player with over 1,400 employees, we have sites in the USA, UK, Germany, China and Korea. Our ambition is to become a leader on the topic of sustainability in our energy-intensive industry.
The following challenges await you:
  • You are the responsible operations manager for the manufacturing of optical quartzglas with the ambition to delivery exceptional quality, delivery and financial performance. This includes responsibility for quality, engineering, operations, facilities/logistics and EHS.
  • You lead the construction and ramp of a new Optics Production site.
  • You provide short-term and long-term budget and capital plans in accordance with the division and business requirements. You further facilitate the approvals of financial needs within the Heraeus Standard Limitations.
  • You lead the process engineering to continually improve operational performance (quality, delivery, flexibility, costs).
  • You ensure that all organization activities and operations are carried out in compliance with Heraeus Standing Limitations, local, state and federal regulations and laws governing business operations as well as compliance within customer quality system requirements.

Wymagania stawiane pracownikowi:

Your Profile:
  • Masters Degree in Engineering, Science or Technology or similar from an accredited college/university
  • 7 years or more of experience in production plant management
  • Demonstrated consistent growth in leadership roles ideally in German organization within a subsidiary or plant
  • Experience within a multi-product, start-up, fact paced, technical manufacturing environment required
  • Full professional proficiency Polish & English language skills, German language skills would be a plus

Kontakt do pracodawcy:

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data publikacji: 2024-09-30

do końca oferty: 16 dni

pracodawca: Heraeus

branże: Produkcja / Przemysł


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