1. Data: 2008-01-23 13:24:58
Temat: wezmę się do roboty / lubelskie
Od: zimny <z...@g...com>
Posiadam wykształcenie średnie elektryczne i informatyczne. Mam już ponad
30 lat, zawodowo zaczynałem jako informatyk zakładowy , następnie
serwisant (u)lotny, monter sieci lan i sprzedawca w sklepie komputerowym.
Poszukuję pracy niekoniecznie w informatyce, nie mam żadnych
przeciwskazań do pracy fizycznej, no może poza składaniem długopisów i pracami
na wysokości >3m.
Zależy mi na pracy zapewniającej wyżywienie mojej rodzinie (żona i 1 dziecko).
Mieszkam w domku więc czynsz mnie nie straszy, innych zobowiązań również nie mam.
Jeżeli masz coś dla mnie to wyslij mejla na adres z...@g...com
a dostaniesz moje CV.
2. Data: 2008-01-24 21:31:44
Temat: Re: wezmę się do roboty / lubelskie
Od: zimny <z...@g...com>
[94]Ibid. "Meriting blows more than kisses, I fear not, because I love."
95John 11:33. Et turbarit seipsum. "And he troubled himself."
96Matt. 26:46. "Let us be going."
[97]Matt. 18:2. "Jesus went forth."
98Gen. 3:5. "Ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."
[99]John 20:17. "Touch me not."
100Allusion to John 6:56; 1:47; 8:36; 6:32. "True disciple; an Israelite
indeed; free indeed; true bread."
101In discipulis meis. Isaiah 8:16. "Seal the law among my disciples."
[102]Is. 45:15.
1031 Cor. 1:17. "Lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect."
104"Rend your heart."
105Ps. 9:14. "Have mercy."
106Is. 5:7. "He has looked for."
107Ezek. 20:25. Praecepta non bona. "Statutes that were not good."
[108]"I will establish my covenant between me and Thee for an everlasting
covenant, to be a God unto Thee."
109Gen. 17:9. "Thou shalt keep my covenant therefore."
[110]Gen. 49:18. "I have waited for thy salvation, O Lord."
[111]Essays, 1. 22.
112Num. 11:29. Quis tribuat ut omnis populus prophetet. "Would God that all
the Lord's people were prophets."
[113]De cultu feminarum, i-3. "He could equally have renewed it, under the
Spirit's inspiration, after it had been destroyed by the violence of the
deluge, as, after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonian storming of
it, every document of the Jewish literature is generally agreed to have been
restored through Ezra."
[114]Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, V. viii. 14. "God was glorified, and
the Scriptures were recognized as truly divine, for they all rendered the
same things in the same words and the same names, from beginning to end, so
that even the heathen who were present knew that the Scriptures had been
translated by the inspiration of God. And it is no marvel that God did this,
for when the Scriptures had been destroyed in the captivity of the people in
the days of Nebuchadnezzar, and the Jews had gone back to their country