
PracaGrupypl.praca.szukanatechnik dentystyczny
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 1

  • 1. Data: 2006-06-28 16:47:33
    Temat: technik dentystyczny
    Od: "" <>

    good morning

    my name is Malgorzata Dabek
    address-37-400 NISKO
    ul.Szopena 6

    home telephon-0048158412689


    I am Polish I was born 22/02/1958 I am woman

    I look for job as dental or orthodontic technician

    I worked since1982 to 1996 as dental technician (14 years) and I work
    since 1996 as orthodontist technician (10 years )

    I can do ceramic

    I can do plastic (acril) denture,metal bridge,metal bridge with acril
    face,komposit bridge IVOCLAR, repairs.
    I do many appliances of orthodontic too:
    impressions, basing study models, mountig on the Artic Orthodontically,

    trimmed study models, hawley retainer, bionator, Clarke Twin Block,
    Nance, Medium Open Activator, Maxillary Bite Plane, Trans Palatal Arch,

    Essix Retainer, Quad Helix, Frankel I,II,III,IV, repaid Maxillary
    Expansion Screw, Cold and heat cure,block appliances, Schwarz,s
    appliances, twin blocks, retainers,appliances with HYRAX screw,
    appliances Nance, positioners
    I can work with ministar (scheu-dental firm)

    I can do holding and maitaining,bionator appliances too,I could do more
    appliances which want dentist

    I finished Middle Medical School in Rzeszów in Poland as a dental
    technic and next I finished some dental and orthodontic courses

    Polish is my nationality lenguage I learned English at school and I
    learn it again

    Do you help me to look for a job?

    I wait for answer

    Malgorzata Dabek


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