
PracaGrupypl.praca.szukanas z c z e c i n - a n g i e l s k i -- i n t e n s y w n ys z c z e c i n - a n g i e l s k i -- i n t e n s y w n y
  • Data: 2006-07-26 20:35:10
    Temat: s z c z e c i n - a n g i e l s k i -- i n t e n s y w n y
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    s z c z e c i n - a n g i e l s k i -- i n t e n s y w n y

    business English
    wszystkie poziomy
    matura - wypracowania sprawdzane przez internet /w cenie lekcji/...

    lektor szkoly jezykowej,lektor akademicki
    pełne kwalifikacje pedagogiczne

    go skiing
    learn to fly
    lose a lot of money gambling
    plan to buy
    give parties
    buy an enormous yacht
    spend a fortnight in a health resort
    grumble about high taxation
    ride an English horse
    dance with a Greek girl
    use an English dictionary
    have lunch in a Japanese restaurant
    listen to the news in English
    write in Spanish
    explain in English
    lecture in Spanish
    address students in English
    cook a Spanish meal for us
    travel by an Italian airline
    swears in Italian
    wash up the dishes
    tell lies
    have lunch in the canteen
    cook the breakfast
    make my bed
    type my own letters
    stand in a queue
    sit beside Mary
    listen to his conversation
    go abroad for my holidays
    make a profit
    get one day off
    doesn&#8217;t usually grumble
    pay us in dollars
    write with my left hand
    lunch alone
    sit with my feet on the desk
    use a calculator
    criticize us
    make a fuss about nothing
    smile at me

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