
PracaGrupypl.praca.dyskusjepraca w internecie
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 3

  • 1. Data: 2002-02-20 19:29:19
    Temat: praca w internecie
    Od: "Artur Nadolny" <>

    wyzysk człowieka przez firmy handlowe co wy na to?

  • 2. Data: 2002-02-20 21:08:11
    Temat: Re: praca w internecie
    Od: "MPK" <>

    Dnia Wed, 20 Feb 2002 22:42:44 +0100, "m" <> wklepał(-a):

    >Jak pracodawcy patrzą na absolwentów? Gdzie można pracować
    >aby móc wykorzystać wiedzę prawno-ekonomiczno-informatyczną?

    Jako np. programista systemów księgowych/finansowych/bankowych. Ale sama wiedza
    ekonomiczna nie wystarczy, trzeba być dobrym programistą.

    Sławomir Szyszło
    FAQ pl.comp.bazy-danych
    FAQ pl.comp.www.nowe-strony
    Karate Klub NATAN

  • 3. Data: 2002-02-20 23:09:45
    Temat: Re: praca w internecie
    Od: "/\\ T H E N /\\" <>

    Never found a way to earn 300-$1,500+ each month at the cost of spending
    only 30+ minutes online? Here we go!

    Nitroclicks Inc. is an online company which is currently offering the
    possibility to make money online by doing various assignments
    related to internet marketing and advertising. This does not require any
    specific knowledge and/or skills, although it does require members to know
    some English.

    Once you've registered ( ) ,
    you will receive task emails per month, whose quantity is determined by how
    many tasks given out
    have been completed.( believe me, it'll be much more than declared 30
    assignments in its website)

    They are usually simple assignments (asking to visit a website), or
    sometimes a little more complicated (requiring registration at a
    particular website). They are different each time and are chosen according
    to the members' personal interests. What I recommend is to

    select all interests in order to get more tasks. Every task usually earns
    you $1-%7 (average $3) on the basis of time to complete it.

    Without any referrals, you will earn yourself more than $500 each month, if
    we assume you only spend
    a half hour each day on it! If you think a half hour is really a long time,
    you could
    still earn that much in the way below!

    In addition each member has the ability to increase his(her) earnings by
    referring other people to join nitroclicks. you not only get

    paid for direct referrals, but also for indirect ones, 5 levels deep.

    - $10.00 for the registration

    - $0.50 - 5.00 for each assignment completed

    - 10 percent of direct referrals' revenue (people that you refer to join us)

    - 5 percent of indirect referrals' revenue (referrals made by your
    referrals - 5 levels deep)

    It's amazing, isn't it. If you don't believe that, let me show you how
    amazing it is!

    You:$84 (you only spend 5 minutes per day to get that earnings per month)

    fist: 3 x $8.40 = $25.20

    second: 9 x $4.20 = $37.80

    third: 27 x $4.20 = $113.40

    4th: 81 x $4.20 = $340.20

    5th: 243 x $4.20 = $1020.60

    total: $1,521.20/month ,$18,254.40/year!

    Go and register here, wasting time is wasting YOUR money!
    Note: Please be patient for slower network response (800+ new member join
    the program every day)
    You should try a couple of times when the nework is busy. Money is not so
    easy to earn if you are not patient!!!

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