1. Data: 2005-08-27 16:28:14
Temat: posting 20050827
Od: g...@4...com
Nor will they know for some time, as the ISF has said it will take at least
three weeks to demolish all the houses and take back a few permanent structu
res to Israel.
"As do mine," Roland said. "It's a common mistake, I'm sure. Why don't we ju
st do scene 24, then."
"Oh, nothing," Brad said, waving me off. "I was just free-associating. If ou
r alien overlord was real, then it wouldn't matter if Michelle was in a coma
or not. He'd just suck her brain out, plop himself in, and do the part hims
elf. No one would know any better. Michelle's not exactly Meryl Streep. Woul
d have saved me money, anyway."
"What is that supposed to mean?" I said.