
PracaGrupypl.praca.dyskusjeorganizowanie profesjonalnych szkolen (b. dlugie), pilneorganizowanie profesjonalnych szkolen (b. dlugie), pilne
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    From: Dehumanizer <>
    Newsgroups: pl.praca.dyskusje
    Subject: organizowanie profesjonalnych szkolen (b. dlugie), pilne
    Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2003 10:58:07 +0200
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    Witam grupe,

    Znajoma przeslala mi list ktorego tresc zamieszczam ponizej...

    osobiscie nic wiecej nie mam, jezeli ktos bylby zainteresowany
    to podam telefon i maila do osoby kompetentnej, ja tylko wyswiadczam
    kolezance przysluge i o calej sprawie niewiele wiem.
    Moge dodac ze jest to propozycja powazna, a nie jakies wyglupy czy
    badanie rynku.
    Moj email

    MAm nadzieje ze post nie odbiega od tematow grupy...
    Jezeli nie, to nie linczujcie mnie, chcialem dobrze :)

    tresc maila i zalacznika ponizej:

    "(...)ale wczesniej bede miala na glowie juz pewnego Portugalczyka,
    ktory chcialby zorientowac sie, jak moglby w POlsce
    prowadzic szkolenia (profesjonalne techniczne doksztalceniowe: testy,
    bezpieczenstwo, inspekcje itp.), a docelowo
    otworzyc filie swojej firmy w postaci centrum ksztalceniowego.
    W zalaczeniu przesylam Wam opis dzialanosci firmy oraz jego pytania. Tak
    naprawde jest to firma, ale tez i
    organizacja naukowo-techniczna i korzystaja takze ze srodkow Unii

    On w dniach 21-22 pazdziernika chce sie spotkac z kazdym, kto
    zainteresowany bylby wspolpraca lub moglby pomoc
    mu w uzyskaniu odpowiedzi na jego pytania."

    tresc zalacznika:

    ISQ is privately owned, a non profit technical and scientific
    but it works as a company.

    If you can get me I will need to know:

    1- The steps for a foreigner company to settle in Poland
    2- The investments incentives we may get
    3- Some lessons from you of the Polish economic and industrial location
    4- Go to the Portuguese commercial office in Poland
    5- The special needs for a foreign company to create a training company
    6- I go to Poland to listen, so I can talk to every body who could give
    me some
    keys that's good

    ISQ Group is a technical and scientifical service oriented organisation.
    Founded in 1965, we provide quality assurance services, technical
    inspections, non destructive testing, consultancy, testing and training
    our customers worldwide. Research & Development is another of our most
    important tasks, as well as identifying and investing in new
    based business opportunities.

    The around 600 staff are teamed with customers, partners and alliances
    more than 20 countries worldwide.

    ISQ is privately owned, a non profit technical and scientific
    With more than two hundred associated member companies, we provide value
    money to our customers assuring quality and safety and providing the
    maintenance techniques to their projects and equipment.

    ISQ provides to our customers the following services and competences:

    Construction safety inspection
    Project review

    Energy studies
    Projects Supervision

    Environmental impact studies, analysis and management
    Quality Management

    Maintenance inspection
    Research & Development

    Mechanical & Materials Testing
    Risk analysis

    Risk based inspection

    Non destructive testing
    Structural Integrity Assessment

    Occupational Safety and Health Management
    Technical inspections

    Product safety (Electrical testing, etc)

    Production and joining technologies
    The following ISQ laboratories are accredited by IPQ - the Portuguese
    Institute for Quality, member of IQ net, according to NP EN 45001:

    LABCAB - Laboratory of Electrical Cables Testing

    LABEL - Laboratory of Electrical Equipments Testing

    LABEND - Laboratory of Non Destructive Testing

    LABMEC - Laboratory of Mechanical Behavior

    LABMETRO - Laboratory of Metrology

    LABMM - Laboratory of Metallurgy and Materials

    LABQUI - Laboratory of Environment and Chemistry

    LABRD - Laboratory of Acoustic & Noise Testing

    LABET-Laboratory of Thermo Dynamical Testing

    Other Laboratories:

    Laboratory of Concrete Testing

    Laboratory of Anticorrosion Protective Coatings

    LABCEM - Laboratory of Electromagnetic Compatibility Testing

    Laboratory of Electronics

    Laboratory of high energy density beams

    Laboratory of Welding and Robotics

    We want to develop in Poland a professional training center to be the
    of our penetration in the polish market of our other services.

    1 - Companies should have some rules to create a training center in
    2- Training is not our core business, but is the easiest way to gain a
    image in the market. So, it's not our intension to make money with the
    professional training, but we need to do those kind of services to
    our other services.
    3- and because we don't want to make money with the professional
    and we want to train the larger number of people possible, we need to
    with European founds to professional training like the European Social

    So, I need to know what are the steps my company have to do, to create a
    training center recognized by your labor ministry, in such way that
    to apply to the European Social Found and other projects.
    I need to know if there are any special problems for the foreigners to
    properties in Poland.


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