
PracaGrupypl.praca.oferowanakontrakt GWT 450 Euro/dzieńkontrakt GWT 450 Euro/dzień
  • Data: 2011-09-05 11:52:28
    Temat: kontrakt GWT 450 Euro/dzień
    Od: Wojciech Michalik <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    Zainteresowanych proszę o odpowiedź na priv.

    Java Developer to build a prototype.

    - Number of contractors: 1
    - Start: ASAP
    - Duration: initially 65 working days (3 months), upon satisfactory
    delivery of the first stage there is a possibility of an extension for
    another 3-month period.
    - Location of work: Bonn

    Non-Annex I Parties are required to report their GHG emissions/removals
    to the secretariat as part of their national communications. Currently,
    the secretariat supports the preparation of GHG inventories by these
    Parties with a set of Microsoft Excel sheets.
    This software is limited in many respects which has been noted by users,
    including by the Consultative Group of Experts (CGE) functioning within
    the UNFCCC negotiating process. The most notable limitations of the
    existing software are non-intuitive user interface, operation as a
    single user desktop application, absence of built-in data exchange
    functions and absence of a backup policy.
    A new version of the software needs to be developed in order to address
    the known limitations and provide non-Annex I Parties with a high
    quality reporting tool. At the first step, a prototype should be
    developed and demonstrated during the 2012 COP/MOP in Durban. The
    software will be client server based, utilizing modern web concepts such
    as AJAX. The application will make extended use of the XML format
    for data exchange.
    The new version of the software will also make it possible to fully
    utilize synergy with the ongoing work of the Intergovernmental Panel on
    Climate Change (IPCC). The IPCC is currently undertaking the development
    of GHG emissions calculation software using the 2006 IPCC guidelines and
    the most up to date emission factor database. By developing a software
    with a reporting function, the UNFCCC secretariat will complement the
    effort of the IPCC to provide emission calculation software to support
    Parties in the establishing of their emission data; the inventory
    calculation software (IPCC) and the inventory reporting software
    (UNFCCC) will serve their purposes and complement each other, using data
    exchange functions as appropriate.

    Expected deliverables:
    The Java developer will work under the supervision of the Team Leader of
    the Reporting & Business Intelligence unit of the Information Systems
    Delivery (ISD) sub-programme in the ITS programme. The Java developer
    will work in a team comprising of a Solution Architect working on system
    architecture, a Business Analyst tasked with documenting the
    requirements, and a number of ITS staff with expert knowledge of GHG
    emissions reporting. Over the total of 3 months period he/she will need
    to deliver the following:

    1. In consultation with a Solution Architect, design and implement a web
    based UI build utilizing COQsoft TreeGrid in combination with Google Web
    Toolkit for all required forms.
    2. Implement a business rules on the business layer that can be
    maintained independently of the other components.
    3. Implement business rules and ensure correct execution in a complex
    highly abstract application.
    4. Design and implement meta data definitions.
    5. Design and implement screen definitions.
    6. Use and improve a MS Access db based tool for managing Metadata.
    7. Manage feedback from the testing of the software, including the
    related changes in the software as needed.
    8. Prepare the software for demonstration at the Durban conference,
    including preparation for possible distribution of the prototype to a
    limited number of advanced users.
    9. Document design of all developed components as well as of the
    software as a whole.

    Experience required:
    Candidates are required to have at least 6 years of progressive
    experience in Information technology with demonstrated experience as a
    developer on complex web based systems. Experience in the following
    technologies is required.
    1. Java web applications
    2. Java to XML transformation using transformation frameworks.
    3. Eclipse.

    Experience in the following technologies is desirable.
    4. Google WebToolkits.
    5. MS Access
    6. MS Visual basic

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