1. Data: 2004-02-11 15:18:13
Temat: eVC++ 4.0(3.0) - ppc2002/2003 application developement
Od: "Piotr Bolek" <l...@N...gazeta.pl>
Need a ppc2002/2003 application or cooperation in developing one?
Let me know.
Currently workin' with the new HP iPAQ 1940 and developing under eVC++ 2003
parallel with VC++ 6.0 (the same app for both) for a company in Munich.
Earlier I developed with eVC++ 3.0 tools on the ppc2002.
If You are looking for somebody to develop such apps let me know. Emails in
english, german, polish, russian and spanish are more than welcome.
best regards,
Simon Piotr Bolek aka obelix:)
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