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From: psh <p...@g...pl>
Newsgroups: pl.praca.szukana
Subject: brutalna rzeczywistosc
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 12:51:04 +0200
Organization: "Portal Gazeta.pl -> http://www.gazeta.pl"
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]"Competitive Salary" - We remain competitive by paying less than our
"Join Our Fast Paced Company" - We have no time to train you.
"Casual Work Atmosphere" - We don't pay enough to expect that you will
dress up.
"Must be Deadline Oriented" - You will be six months behind schedule on
your first day.
"Some Overtime Required" - Some time each night, some time each weekend.
"Duties will vary" - Anyone in the office can boss you around.
"Must have an Eye for Detail" - We have no quality control.
"Seeking Candidates with a Wide Variety of Experience" - You will need to
replace three people who just left.
"Problem Solving Skills a Must" - You are walking into a company in
perpetual chaos. Haven't heard a word from anyone out there. Your first
task is to find out what is going on.
"Requires Team Leadership Skills" - You will have the responsibilities of
a manager without the pay or respect.
"Good Communication Skills" - Management communicates poorly, so you have
to figure out what they want and do it.
Najnowsze wątki z tej grupy
- Koder szuka pracy. Koduję w j.: Asembler, C, C++ (z Qt) i D.
- Jakie znacie działające serwery grup dyskusyjnych?
- is it live this group at news.icm.edu.pl
- Programista C++ z Qt
- Tworzenie oprogramowania na zamówienie klienta . Realizacja aplikacji na bazie Access VBA , Excel VBA , SQL Server, .NET. Faktura VAT i VAT EU #061022
- Realizacja aplikacji baz danych w Access VBA , Excel VBA , SQL Server, .NET . Faktura VAT i VAT EU
- szukam pracy
- Oprogramowanie biurowe na zlecenie
- Oprogramowanie biurowe na zamówienie - bazy danych
- Bazy danych na zamówienie
- Tworzenie oprogramowania na zamówienie klienta. Bazy danych - realizacja aplikacji Access VBA , Excel VBA, .NET. Faktura VAT i VAT EU, #020719
- Programy bazodanowe na zamówienie
- Aplikacje bazodanowe na zlecenie szybki termin
- Pisanie programów na zlecenie/zamówienie na bazie Access VBA , Excel VBA, .NET, bazy danych SQL Server, wg specyfikacji klienta, faktura VAT i VAT EU - 070519
- Strona internetowa
Najnowsze wątki
- 2024-11-09 Warszawa => Sales Executive <=
- 2024-11-09 Wrocław => SAP BTP Consultant (mid/senior) <=
- 2024-11-09 Warszawa => ECM Specialist / Consultant <=
- 2024-11-09 Warszawa => Senior Frontend Developer (React + React Native) <=
- 2024-11-08 Warszawa => Head of International Freight Forwarding Department <=
- 2024-11-08 Warszawa => Key Account Manager <=
- 2024-11-08 Szczecin => Key Account Manager (ERP) <=
- 2024-11-08 Białystok => Full Stack web developer (obszar .Net Core, Angular6+) <
- 2024-11-08 Wrocław => Senior PHP Symfony Developer <=
- 2024-11-08 Warszawa => QA Engineer <=
- 2024-11-08 Warszawa => QA Inżynier <=
- 2024-11-08 Warszawa => Key Account Manager <=
- 2024-11-08 Gdańsk => Software .Net Developer <=
- 2024-11-08 Warszawa => Manager/Specialist e-commerce (B2C) <=
- 2024-11-08 Gdańsk => Specjalista ds. Sprzedaży <=