poleca => SAP Analytics Cloud Consultant <=
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 1

  • 1. Data: 2023-11-22 17:45:02
    Temat: Warszawa => SAP Analytics Cloud Consultant <=
    Od: TeamQuest Sp. z o.o. <n...@T...PL>

    For our client, a company with over 30 years of experience, which
    helps its business partners implement ERP and BI systems we are
    looking for SAP Analytics Cloud Consultant.

    This company offers a wide range of services such as implementation,
    support, maintenance, and development of ERP class systems, cloud
    and SaaS solutions, planning and budgeting, Business Intelligence
    and data management, Revenue Growth Management solutions, master
    data management, as well as training.

    If you're looking for a company that has the right team of experienced
    and qualified experts from various fields, which successfully
    carries out even the most complex projects that accelerate the
    development of organizations worldwide, this company is for you.

    ***** SAP Analytics Cloud Consultant

    ***** Tasks:

    * Engage with clients to comprehend their business needs, create a
    blueprint, construct, test, and provide support for the
    comprehensive solution built upon SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) and
    SAP Datasphere
    * Gather and analyze requirements, model client data, key performance
    indicators, and/or market data using a wide set of analytical
    tools and techniques to develop both quantitative and qualitative
    business insights and enhance decision-making for our clients
    * Deliver the full life cycle of SAP analytics solutions (Discovery,
    Prepare, Design, Build, Deploy and Support)
    * Estimate and ensure timely delivery for the project deliverables.
    Duties include but are not limited to:
    * Responsible for the successful delivery of functional and technical
    components of planning, budgeting and forecasting solutions using
    SAC Planning.
    * Apply functional and technical integration knowledge of SAP
    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) tools, planning/BI systems and
    functional finance processes (reports, input schedules, script
    logic, allocations, distributions, trending, forecast models,
    Storyboards, Dashboards and visualization).
    * Develop functional / technical specification documents and design
    best in class technical solutions to support analytical/reporting
    * Support the setup and development of an overall SAC governance model
    to position the solution for future reporting and analytics
    operations and enhancements.
    * Collaborate with the cross-functional team to develop an integrated
    SAC solution to support business processes and project
    deliverables with an emphasis on quality, productivity, and
    * Develop a cut-over strategy for SAC activities for Go-live.
    Support sales and presales processes.

    ***** Job requirements:

    * Minimum of 3 years" experience in designing and developing analytic
    applications using SAP Analytics Cloud and/or SAP Datasphere,
    including at least 1 full implementation cycle.
    * Good knowledge of SAP Analytics technologies, including SAP
    Analytics Cloud, SAP Datawarehouse Cloud, and BW4/HANA.
    * Strong experience in SAP Analytics Cloud planning, including
    designing and building plans, forecasts, forecast adjustments, and
    integrating generated forecasts with other processes, reports, and
    dashboards to support key business performance indicators.
    * Extensive understanding of advanced story design options in SAP
    Analytics Cloud, predictive capabilities, augmented analytics,
    forecasting, etc.
    * Good understanding of SAP Analytics Cloud, Analytics Designer, and
    advanced scripting capabilities.
    * Understanding of defining data models in SAP Datasphere, integrating
    SAP and non-SAP systems, and the advantages and disadvantages of
    different modeling options.
    * Knowledge of business content, best practices, and market trends to
    enhance reporting and analytics.
    * Good understanding of data visualization and data modeling best
    * Experience with SAP BW and/or SAP HANA Modeling.
    * Knowledge of SQL and R scripting.
    * Knowledge of JavaScript.
    * English language proficiency at a minimum C1 level.
    * Holding an SAP certification confirming competence in a specific
    area is a plus.

    ***** Benefits offered:

    * Possibility to work remotely and in the office (Warsaw, Katowice,
    * Flexible working hours, work life balance;
    * Participation in interesting projects, at home and abroad;
    * Cooperation with business analysts;
    * Opportunity to improve professional skills (product and specialized
    training, extensive internal training, e.g. Cloud Automation;
    * Work with modern tools, e.g. Jira;
    * Rich social package (subsidized MultiSport card, private medical
    care, group insurance);
    * Extensive employee development program;
    * Friendly team built of non-accidental people who will not forget
    your birthday, wedding, birth of a child;
    * Integration trips to interesting places.

    Aplikuj tu / Send your CV:
    => => =>
    => => =>

    W przesłanych materiałach prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli
    następującej treści:

    Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych dla potrzeb tej i
    kolejnych rekrutacji (zgodnie z ustawą o ochronie danych
    osobowych z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 roku t.j. Dz.U.2016 poz. 922).
    Jednocześnie wyrażam zgodę na udostępnienie moich danych
    osobowych potencjalnym pracodawcom.

    Potwierdzam prawdziwość powyższych danych i zgadzam się na
    przetwarzanie i administrowanie moimi danymi, które podałem/am
    do wiadomości TeamQuest Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie 00-814
    Warszawa ul. Miedziana 3A lok. 21 do celów rekrutacji
    pracowników. Jednocześnie oświadczam, że zostałam/em
    poinformowana/y iż administratorem moich danych jest TeamQuest
    Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie 00-814 Warszawa ul. Miedziana
    3A lok. 21 oraz że moje dane mogą zostać przekazane
    potencjalnym pracodawcom oraz, że mam prawo dostępu do treści
    swoich danych, prawo ich poprawiania, prawo sprzeciwu wobec ich
    przetwarzania w wyżej opisanym celu oraz wobec przekazywania
    danych innym podmiotom, a także prawo zażądania zaprzestania
    przetwarzania moich danych osobowych ze względu na moją
    szczególną sytuację. Podanie danych jest dobrowolne.
    Jednocześnie wyrażam zgodę na podejmowanie czynności mających
    na celu weryfikacje prawdziwości przekazanych przeze mnie
    dokumentów i informacji w nich zawartych.
    Pozostałe oferty:


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