
PracaGrupypl.praca.szukana[Warszawa] Programista / Administrator Baz Danych[Warszawa] Programista / Administrator Baz Danych
  • Path:!!!newsfeed.tpinternet.
    From: hubert depesz lubaczewski <>
    Newsgroups: pl.praca.szukana
    Subject: [Warszawa] Programista / Administrator Baz Danych
    Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 14:22:15 +0200
    Organization: A poorly-installed InterNetNews reader
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    Poszukuję pracy jako programista aplikacji Web lub
    administrator/programista baz danych.


    name: Hubert
    surname: Lubaczewski
    address: p.o. box 83; 02-495 Warsaw; Poland [my face]
    phone number: [48] (+22) 662-61-41
    birth date: 1976-11-05

    work: III 2001 - ...
    1to1 Magic - Magic Group
    IT Specialist, programmer, database administrator
    I developed (in a team of 3-11 people) services:
    mclub, moim zdaniem and several others grouped
    together under brand 1to1 Magic. We introduced
    system which allowed best (as for now)
    personalization of content (modifying text
    according to user's sex, name, and with texts in
    polish, modifying his name according to
    inflection). During first 6 months of my work
    there i was also working as Linux system
    administrator (network with 4 servers and ca. 20
    workstations), and was responsible for hardware
    (servers, desktops and notebooks) purchases. I
    introduced office model built only on Linux
    operating system (workstations and notebooks too).

    VII 1999 - II 2001
    Cyber Service
    Chief Programmer
    I did or was in charge of several different
    project ranging from small www shops to internet
    information servers (i.e. for Pioneer OFE), and
    from small utils for managing LDAP company-wide
    address-books to Statistical package which is used
    by 7 big companies in Poland.The last job i was
    doing for Cyber Service was portal-like system
    containg various database operations including my
    own full text indexing procedures.

    I 1999 - VI 1999
    Alter Ego
    Shipping/Forwarding Expert, System Administrator
    and Programmer
    I was in charge of all transports on two separate
    lines from Italy to Poland. Total amount of 4-7
    trucks a week. I was also administering local
    email/internet gateway server. As my programmer
    job i was writing software for spedition/custom

    III 1998 - XII 1998
    Help Desk, Programmer, Warehouseman
    I was in charge of all repairs regarding computer
    equipment, ranging from ups'es to servers, and
    from network interface cards to Cisco routers.
    During my time there i wrote application to track
    all repairs, equipment and parts. As a warehouse
    man I was in charge of spare-parts warehouse which
    contained parts for all quipment sold or repaired
    by Apexim. Last two months of my work at Apexim i
    was trained and prepared to help with
    implementation of ISO 9002 quality procedures.

    VI 1995 - II 1998
    Potamkin International better known as Office
    Depot Poland.
    Bussiness Machines department, Office Supplies
    Department, Service
    My job in first two deparments was customer-care.
    In service I was in charge of hardware and
    software installations, evidence and customer

    education: IX 1996 - II 1998
    Mila College
    Specialization: Data manipulation
    ... - VI 1996
    Various High-Schools, last one: 2nd CKU in Warsaw

    Computer knowledge: Operating systems:
    VM/CMS, Linux, SunOS, Solaris, Tru64, Novell
    Netware (based on version 3), Microsoft DOS,
    Microsoft Windows 3.x, 9x, NT 4.0

    Database Engines:
    Adabas D, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Access

    Programming languages:
    Rexx, BASIC, Awk, Perl, C, pl/pgsql, SQL,

    Information technologies:
    HTML, XML, MiddleWare, CVS

    Additional information: driving licence (B), non-smoking, single, army:
    category D

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