poleca => Information Security Architect <=Warszawa => Information Security Architect <=
  • Data: 2017-11-23 10:05:02
    Temat: Warszawa => Information Security Architect <=
    Od: TeamQuest Sp. z o.o. <P...@T...PL> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    Our client is a global leader in management consulting, with offices
    in 50+ cities across nearly 30 countries. For Warsaw office, we
    are currently looking for:

    ***** Information Security Architect

    ***** Position description:

    * We are looking for a Security architect with systems engineering and
    development background to join our stellar technology team.
    * This individual will primarily be responsible for leading
    information security architecture initiatives and providing
    guidance on the security architecture for other initiatives in the
    * This position will report to the director of Enterprise
    Architecture. * In this role, you will work closely with security
    and risk team to ensure that the security architecture is aligned
    with our standards and policies drive initiative, set expectations
    and generate deliverables.
    * Drive information security architecture initiatives, serve as an
    information security architect for our portfolio of projects, and
    define architecture, design based standards, develop best
    practices and document security architecture patterns across the
    * Makes recommendations based on strategic understanding of the
    overall security technology strategy, threat landscape, attack
    surface and threat intelligence information.
    * Provide or review engineering design that is conformant with our
    standards and is future proof with an eye towards industry
    * Ability to identify gaps in security infrastructure and solutions
    and provide thought leadership in the development of appropriate
    technical solutions
    * Implementation experience with Network/Security technologies (i.e.,
    VPN, SSL, * IPSec, PK,I IPS, IDS, SIEM, and Anti-DDoS solutions)
    * Thorough understanding of IAM solutions, SSO, SAML, Federation & STS
    to deliver secure cloud services interaction and environment
    * Understanding of industry regulatory and compliance requirements
    (i.e., FedRAMP, PCI-DSS, NIST, HIPAA)
    * Demonstrated capability to design secure systems on public / private
    / hybrid cloud as well as secure solutions for data in transit
    * Collaborate with Security and Risk, Development, Delivery, Maintain,
    and Infrastructure, to ensure deep cohesion between the teams.
    * Help evolve our existing development stack to be informed by the
    latest tooling and best practices in the market and aligned with
    our parent company's standards and risk posture
    * Contribute to organizational efforts for evaluating newer technology

    ***** Position requirements:

    * Fluent English
    * Bachelors in Computer Science or similar higher technical degree.
    Advance degree preferred
    * 4-5+ years of experience in information/cyber security or related
    * Industry certifications such as CISSP and CCSP preferred
    * Background as a security architect or engineer highly preferred
    * Broad knowledge of security architecture and controls in various
    infrastructure platforms including network (physical, virtual,
    internal, cloud), system platforms, storage, directory services,
    and end user computing
    * Excellent communication skills, with the ability to influence senior
    business and IT executives on tech decisions and clearly
    communicate technical challenges to non-technical people
    * Experience designing and implementing security technologies
    including but not limited to: data loss prevention, identity
    management, log management and alerting, and vulnerability
    * Strong understanding of industry best practices
    * Ability to work under pressure, manage client expectations
    effectively and not get overwhelmed by pressure on team
    * Effectively manage multiple tasks with strong time management and
    prioritization skills.
    * Strong communication (verbal & written) and interpersonal skills;
    able to work well in a team environment
    * Results oriented

    ***** Benefits offered:

    * Attractive salary, based on employment contract or B2B
    * Working in new office located near the center of Warsaw
    * Quick recruitment process
    * Working in international environment, in the one of world's biggest
    consulting company

    ***** Other:

    * Attractive salary, based on employment contract or B2B
    * Working in new office located near the center of Warsaw
    * Quick recruitment process
    * Working in international environment, in the one of world's biggest
    consulting company

    Aplikuj tu / Send your CV:
    => => =>
    => => =>

    W przesłanych materiałach prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli
    następującej treści:

    Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych dla potrzeb tej i
    kolejnych rekrutacji (zgodnie z ustawą o ochronie danych
    osobowych z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 roku t.j. Dz.U.2016 poz. 922).
    Jednocześnie wyrażam zgodę na udostępnienie moich danych
    osobowych potencjalnym pracodawcom.

    Potwierdzam prawdziwość powyższych danych i zgadzam się na
    przetwarzanie i administrowanie moimi danymi, które podałem/am
    do wiadomości TeamQuest Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie 00-814
    Warszawa ul. Miedziana 3A lok. 21 do celów rekrutacji
    pracowników. Jednocześnie oświadczam, że zostałam/em
    poinformowana/y iż administratorem moich danych jest TeamQuest
    Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie 00-814 Warszawa ul. Miedziana
    3A lok. 21 oraz że moje dane mogą zostać przekazane
    potencjalnym pracodawcom oraz, że mam prawo dostępu do treści
    swoich danych, prawo ich poprawiania, prawo sprzeciwu wobec ich
    przetwarzania w wyżej opisanym celu oraz wobec przekazywania
    danych innym podmiotom, a także prawo zażądania zaprzestania
    przetwarzania moich danych osobowych ze względu na moją
    szczególną sytuację. Podanie danych jest dobrowolne.
    Jednocześnie wyrażam zgodę na podejmowanie czynności mających
    na celu weryfikacje prawdziwości przekazanych przeze mnie
    dokumentów i informacji w nich zawartych.
    Pozostałe oferty:


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