poleca => C Software Developer <=Warszawa => C Software Developer <=
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    From: TeamQuest Sp. z o.o. <n...@T...PL>
    Subject: Warszawa => C Software Developer <=
    Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2024 13:45:02 -0000 (UTC)
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    For our client, a company that has been delivering effective
    automation solutions for telecom operators, city carriers, and
    enterprises in over 20 countries since 2001 we are looking for C
    Software Developer.

    This company specializes in providing network management solutions
    across multiple vendor environments. Its product is a multi-vendor
    network orchestrator that provides true end-to-end automation,
    enabling features such as zero-touch configuration and automated
    service provisioning for all IP networks.

    If you're looking for a company that offers innovative solutions in
    network automation, with rich experience and global reach, this
    company is for you.

    ***** C Software Developer

    ***** Responsibilities:

    * Develop the software product using agile and iterative methods to
    reduce waste and focus on time to market and maintainability
    * Actively work to increase interaction within the team i.e. get
    everybody included and participating in all parts of the work
    * Actively interact with all other organizational parts within company
    to foster a team culture in aspect of learning and educating each
    * Work closely with all possible stakeholders within the company to
    help increase customers satisfaction and company sales
    * Being a part of SW development of BECS such as
    ** Requirement analysis, definition, and estimation
    ** Security impact analysis
    ** Design activities and implementation
    ** Testing, documentation, and delivery
    ** Debugging
    ** Maintenance of the product
    * Participate in the daily meetings with the development team
    * Participation in the continuous improvement of our working methods,
    products, tools and frameworks
    * Take an active part in the daily work to help the team succeed
    * Participate in the 24/7 On-Duty support setup
    * Help introduce new members to the team, processes and company
    * Take an active part in training junior developers
    * Support our internal Professional Services, Sales team and Support
    * Interact directly with our customers when required (support cases
    * Hold demos and workshops on new functionality, internally as well as
    externally when needed
    * Work with the PO and help define use cases, feature definitions etc

    ***** Job requirements:

    * Minimum Bachelor's degree in Tech, or other experience deemed
    * Minimum 1,5-2 years experience within SW development
    * Good C knowledge
    * Basic Python knowledge
    * Experience using Git and Gerrit
    * Experience using Jira and Confluence
    * General Linux knowledge
    * General knowledge in network solutions
    * Experience using Agile methodologies as well as iterative
    * Very good English skills
    * Analytical and solution oriented
    * High integrity
    * Good at explaining SW design to peers
    * Good communication skills to be able to explain the status of work
    items so that risks and priorities can be decided by management

    ***** Nice to have:

    * Tcl or Perl knowledge
    * Experience from other OSS and/or BSS systems
    * Experience from CI/CD
    * Experience from automated test systems
    * Experience from working in distributed teams and different cultures

    ***** Benefits offered:

    * Attractive salary
    * Flexible working hours
    * Hybrid work mode
    * Scandinavian work-live balance culture and management style
    * Focus on personal development and teamwork
    * Central office location with easy access to public transport
    * Free access to the gym
    * Bike parking / showers in the office building with shops,
    restaurants inside as well
    * Extra medicare insurance
    * International working environment
    * International travel for those who enjoy it
    * You will have E2E development responsibility from requirements
    analysis through implementation and testing to bringing the
    feature to the end customer
    * You will be part of mission critical / high availability / telco
    grade product development
    * You will use modern tools, frameworks and processes (Git,
    Confluence, JIRA, Gerrit, CI/CD)
    * You will learn business process" deployed by successful open network
    operators in Western/Northern Europe

    Aplikuj tu / Send your CV:
    => => =>
    => => =>

    W przesłanych materiałach prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli
    następującej treści:

    Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych dla potrzeb tej i
    kolejnych rekrutacji (zgodnie z ustawą o ochronie danych
    osobowych z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 roku t.j. Dz.U.2016 poz. 922).
    Jednocześnie wyrażam zgodę na udostępnienie moich danych
    osobowych potencjalnym pracodawcom.

    Potwierdzam prawdziwość powyższych danych i zgadzam się na
    przetwarzanie i administrowanie moimi danymi, które podałem/am
    do wiadomości TeamQuest Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie 00-814
    Warszawa ul. Miedziana 3A lok. 21 do celów rekrutacji
    pracowników. Jednocześnie oświadczam, że zostałam/em
    poinformowana/y iż administratorem moich danych jest TeamQuest
    Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie 00-814 Warszawa ul. Miedziana
    3A lok. 21 oraz że moje dane mogą zostać przekazane
    potencjalnym pracodawcom oraz, że mam prawo dostępu do treści
    swoich danych, prawo ich poprawiania, prawo sprzeciwu wobec ich
    przetwarzania w wyżej opisanym celu oraz wobec przekazywania
    danych innym podmiotom, a także prawo zażądania zaprzestania
    przetwarzania moich danych osobowych ze względu na moją
    szczególną sytuację. Podanie danych jest dobrowolne.
    Jednocześnie wyrażam zgodę na podejmowanie czynności mających
    na celu weryfikacje prawdziwości przekazanych przeze mnie
    dokumentów i informacji w nich zawartych.
    Pozostałe oferty:


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