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From: "Sam" <b...@y...co.uk>
Newsgroups: pl.praca.szukana
Subject: Wanted English Speaker In Poland
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 04:13:03 +0100
Lines: 28
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]Vitam,
I am seeking a person who can speak fluent english, who is residing in
poland, you must be able and willing to assist me with getting operational
my small business which is in the trojmiastoe area (gdansk). You must be
willing to accompany me to purchase things, translate, place adverts in
newspapers, help me find suitable workers, liase with accountants, lawyers,
and all general duties to do with setting up a small business.
The business is a small wood working workshop. I am British and so do not
speak very fluent polish.
If you are interested or if you know someone who might be interested then
please contact me initially with your basic details and a "landline" phone
number, mobiles are very expensive to call from the UK.
If interested then please reply to: b...@y...co.uk
This position can be temporary for few months or if you are further
interested it can turn into a permanent position.
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