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Newsgroups: pl.soc.prawo.podatki,pl.praca.dyskusje,pl.misc.budowanie,alt.pl.neostrada
Subject: (TheBeliefs&TeachingsOfIslam)
Date: 30 Mar 2006 09:20:59 -0800
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]
This English-language book entitled The Beliefs and Teachings of Islam
is among the best books of its size for introducing Islam to
non-Muslims. The book explains the Islamic concept of monotheism, the
pillars of faith, and the pillars of worship. It discusses the role
played by Qur'an and Sunnah in Islam. It also answers many of the
questions that non-Muslims ask regarding various issues like jihad, the
status of women in Islam, and what Muslims believe about Jesus (peace
be upon him). The book is offered by the IslamToday forum in pdf
we love uoy
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