
PracaGrupypl.praca.dyskusjeSzukamy ludzi do Irlandii - telekomunikacjaSzukamy ludzi do Irlandii - telekomunikacja
  • Data: 2006-06-15 20:29:03
    Temat: Szukamy ludzi do Irlandii - telekomunikacja
    Od: "krzysiek" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    Witam, firma w której pracuje poszukuje do pracy Polaków z następujących
    branż (wymagana przynajmniej podstawa angielskiego):

    ESB PYLONS (A good crew of 3 or 4)

    Persons to work on ESB PYLONS.

    These are the steel structures which hold up the power cables.

    It will involve building the steel structures and standing them on site.

    At least 1 must speak good English.

    At least 5 years experience

    Excavator Digger Driver

    A good driver who has experience in Digging with big machines in the ground.

    He would preferably have experience working on the digging for the concrete
    foundations for the ESB pylons.

    He must have some English.

    At least 5 years English

    Civil/ Structure Engineer

    A good civil / or structural engineer.

    He would preferably have experience dealing with using engineers instruments
    on sites, maybe on foundations like the ESB pylons.

    He should have good - v good English.

    He should have at least 3 years experience

    Concrete Workers

    Good experience forming and pouring concrete.

    Ok English

    At least 5 - 10 years experience.


    Preferably someone who has worked installing power and earthing to
    Telecommunications sites.

    OK English

    At least 5 years experience

    Integration & Commissioning Technician

    Experience in installing and commissioning of Node B's / RBS or BTS units
    for Ericsson , Nokia , etc

    Good English

    3- 5 years experience

    Spotkanie kwalifikacyjne odbyłoby się w Krakowie,
    24.06.06, zainteresowanych proszę o kontakt mailem

    Proszę na powyższy email wysyłać cv w języku angielskim


    Krzysztof Piegza

    Wysłano z serwisu OnetNiusy:

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