
PracaGrupypl.praca.szukanaStarszy programistsa PHP Javascript Java
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 1

  • 1. Data: 2013-04-15 12:37:32
    Temat: Starszy programistsa PHP Javascript Java


    poszukuję pracy zdalnej jako starszy programista PHP, Java, Javascript.

    Interesują mnie również oferty w Poznaniu.

    Przyjmuję również zlecenia.

    O mnie:

    Filip Górny
    Programmer, Webdeveloper,
    skype: devell_skype

    Birthday 28.04.1985

    I am a senior PHP and Javascript developer and a junior Java developer. As creating
    desktop and web applications was my passion, I decided to work for commercial clients
    at the year of 2004. My first role was a junior Delphi developer and soon I found PHP
    my favourite programming language. I have worked on many projects from small online
    start-up web sites, CMS systems, to large complex CRM applications.
    The internet and web related technologies are my main passion. My goals are to
    constantly improve my programming skills, and to learn more languages such as Java
    and Python.
    I was employed as lead programmer in few companies, succesfully developing very large
    projects, using Agile methods and a vast number of frameworks, with the mission to
    help my clients with their success, meet their needs and to realise their ideas.
    I found myself an artist and personally I think programming is a kind of art. At my
    free time, I prefer to improve my skills by reading IT books and trying to do
    something creative with the new technologies, frameworks and I watch how the Internet
    is growing and changing people's lives.


    2012 - Seniort PHP/Javascript developer at Kenja KDI

    I have been working with a team grouped from 6 developers from Poland, for the
    japanese company Kenja. It was full time remote job, with all consultations in
    english. Our middleman was from Leicester - England. The goal was to develop a
    webinar project. My tasks consisted of websockets implementation, MVC javascript
    frontend (based on Backbone.js) and develop simple ORM for php backend - made in Zend

    2011 - Senior PHP/Javascript developer at Pammco z o. o.

    My mission was to develop huge start-up projects. I decided to use the most recent
    technologies and solutions in developing very complicated system with bar code
    scanning and mobile web applications. I was in charge of planning and managing small
    group of programmers tasks. Our main technologies were ECMA (Javascript) at theclient
    side and PHP, MySQL at the server site.
    Working in a group gave me experience with using best solutions in colaborative
    development, ie. svn and git repository systems.

    2007 - Owner at webdeveloping company Devell

    As the continuation of my freelance work I decided to work as a company in Poland and
    England. I was in charge of supporting small and large companies with dedicated CRM
    systems written from scratch and improving online marketing by fresh new look and
    good, clean coded, seo friendly websites.
    Because my dream was to grow my company to something huge and well known, I need to
    learn every day how to be a good at selling, planning and using programming
    frameworks and oop patterns. I am proud of being experienced at PHP and JQuery, using
    well known main frameworks and libraries.

    2005 - Freelancer, PHP webdeveloper

    As freelancer I was engaged as a lead developer in start-up Internet projects. I owe
    my success to the Web 2.0 Internet phenomena, mostly developing social network
    websites. Being noticeable on the market demanded me learning fast and using the best
    solutions, spending every day to become more and more productive.

    2005 - Main PHP programmer at Aidem Art

    My second full time job was the main PHP and HTML developer. Aidem Art is a small web
    agency from Poznan. My duties included dedicated CMS development and simple web

    2004 - Delphi developer at Siwak

    As my first job I started working as a junior developer, helping my boss to improve
    company productivity. I was in charge of developing new functions for Siwak's CRM
    dedicated to the insurance companies.


    Expert at:
    HTML and CSS
    Javascript, JQuery, Backbone.js

    Experienced in:
    MVC frameworks: Zend Framework, Zend Framework 2, KohanaPHP, Symfony 2
    Agile, TTD, PHP Unit
    Git, SVN
    Java, Maven, Jetty, Hibernate
    PlayN games development
    Slick 2D

    Other skills:
    WWW server administration (Linux)
    Usability knowledge
    Action Script 3

    Language Skills

    English - fluent
    Polish - mother tounge
    German - basic

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