Data: 2006-02-15 20:31:30
Temat: Re: smoke tester
Od: "aga.p" <c...@p...onet.pl> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]Użytkownik "Yakto" napisał w wiadomości news:dsvp89$kk6$1@news.onet.pl...
> od marca zaczynam pracę jako tester telefonów komórkowych, w praktyce będę
> testował aplikacje w komórkach, pisał skrypty w języku C. angielska nazwa
> tego stanowiska to "smoke tester". dlaczego smoke? :)) może ktoś mi
> wytłumaczy, przecież smoke to dym ;)
Szczelność różnych pojemników testuje się wpuszczając do nich dym. No a Ty
będziesz testował szczelność aplikacji:))
A tu masz wyjaśnienia "smoke test" (za freedictionary.com)
A smoke test is used to find leaks in pipes and containers. Artificially
created smoke is forced into the pipe or container. Plumes of smoke form
where there are defects. It is particularly useful where completely sealing
the system is not practical such as ventilated sanitary sewer systems.
The term smoke test is used in electronics to refer to the first time a
circuit under development is attached to power. This may be done before all
the work is complete, just to ensure that there are no major flaws that
would make further work moot. Circuits that fail at this stage sometimes
literally produce smoke, often from burning resistors, which produce a
unique smell familiar to many technicians.
The term is also used metaphorically, especially in computer programming,
where it is an entry to further testing. It generally consists of a suite of
tests that can be applied to a newly created build (or even better, be
performed automatically by the build system). It should reveal fundamental
failures or anything severe enough for your testers to reject the release.
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