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From: j...@c...pl
Newsgroups: pl.praca.szukana
Subject: Re: programista z dużym doświadczeniem
Date: 23 Oct 2006 09:30:52 -0700
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]
sg schrieb:
> szukam ciekawej pracy, najlepiej w Łodzi...
> C/C++/PHP/Java/Perl/Ada
> MySQL/Postgres/Firebird/Interbase
> i proszę nie przesyłać propozycji pracy na 2 etaty za 1000zł
Do biura w Gliwicach poszukujemy takiej osoby, jak w ponizszym
Charismatix is a leading developer of java games and entertainment
products for mobile devices and recently won the German Game Developer
Award for Best Mobile Game in the Best Action Game category.
The company currently employs more than 40 employees in Germany and
provides the mobile industry´s most comprehensive development and
porting platform with support for J2ME, DoJa, BREW and Symbian
handsets. Charismatix´s outstanding content quality and handset
support are unique across the industry. Charismatix operates in over 40
countries and has opened offices in the UK, France, Germany, Poland,
Russia and USA.
Senior System Architect (m/f)
We are seeking a self-motivated and energetic senior system architect
as a full-time position to design and code solutions for deploying
premium mobile content.
o at least 5 of years experience in advanced Java development
o excellent skills in the latest java development kit (JDK), version
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o excellent skills in programming web applications in Java and
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such as C/C++, JAVA, JSP, Python, PSP, PHP, xHTML, XML
o proficiency with database design and SQL data modeling skills
o experience with Linux, Apache, CVS, SQL or any other RDBMS
o immediately
o negotiable
For more information visit www.chrismatix.net, www.twistbox.com or
contact us: j...@c...pl
Charismatix Ltd. & Co. KG
Lohbachstr. 12
58239 Schwerte
Phone: +49.2304.2001.21 or +48 32 7755725
Fax: +49.2304.2001.44 or +484 32 7755733
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