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From: Marcin Strzyzewski <m...@t...pw.edu.pl>
Newsgroups: pl.praca.dyskusje
Subject: Re: Web developer in London
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 15:05:29 +0200
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]Gosc A wrote:
> abb <k...@g...pl> napisał(a):
>>W Wlk. Brytanii płaci sie bardzo wysokie podatki.
> chyba raczysz zartowac, w UK placi sie jedne z najnizszych podatkow
> osobistych w UE. (np. 10% mniej niz w slynacej z "niskich" podatkow
> Irlandii).
> Inna rzecz ze o wielu rzeczach decydujesz sam (np ubezpieczenie emerytalne).
hmm skopiuje ci kawalek z grupy innej..
In the UK, the first $35000 is taxed at 22%. EVERYTHING above that is taxed
at 40%. On top of that we have something called "National Insurance" - that
is supposed to pay for our pathetic hopsitals where you mum has to wait
three years for her or hernia operation. That's another 11% of everything
you earn. Therefore, out of that $80000 gross - I can immediatley kiss
goodbye to half of it to the central government. What public services to I
get to show for it? FUCK ALL. The local government wants $200 per month
as a local tax for basically emptying the trash. Almost everything you buy
is taxed at17.5% - and you Americans thhought you had it bad with your local
sales taxes of about 5% - depending on the state !!!!!!!!!!
Petrol costs about $8 a gallon (the most expensive in Europe) - despite our
massive North Sea oil reserves. A pint of beer (16ounce) is about $4-$5.
The place is full of illegal immigrants and is getting a lot worse. There
is so much "political correctness" about that the Police are afraid to
police the streets and crime has gone through the roof. Schools and
Hopitals are collapsing through lack of investment and political
correctness; the road infrastructre is practically non existant and
decaying. On top of all those things, innovation is not encouraged at most
places - despite what the bosses say in public (you are seen to be a trouble
causer with ideas above your station); there is an "old boy" network whereby
only friends of friends can advance themselves.
And what does Tony Blair do, confronted with this mountain of fucking
problems? He struts the world stage with the Americans (though we are a
handicapped flea compared to the immense might of the US) and bombs the fuck
out of a country that although ruled by a despot - probably had no WOMD in
the first place.
Sure you might have expensive house prices (though we do too). Everything
else is so much cheaper !!! I spent about $4000 on shirts, suits, ties,
CD's, sunglasses, radio's, jeans, Nike's, sports equipment, watches etc
whilst out there. And that was in LA and SF - its probably cheaper still
elsewhere. I'd say your prices of both goods and groceries are about a
third of the price of the UK. Cars, fuel and travel are equally cheap. I
therefore reckon that my $80000 p.a. would buy me a better standard of
living than here.
You know what? It was for reasons like this that the founding fathers of
America got the fuck out of England in the seventeenth century. England is
a fucking shit hole and I have had enough of the place despite being
extremely patriotric. Decent hard working folks like us on this board are
getting nowhere here.
Marcin Tadeusz Strzyzewski
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