1. Data: 2004-05-12 03:38:38
Temat: Re: Praca w Chicago - oferta pracy.
Od: Pan Zenio <n...@a...net>
On 8 May 2004 09:00:31 -0700, p...@y...com (Beata) wrote:
>Chicago i okolice.
>Complete Care poszukuje osob mowiacych po angielsku do pracy w
>charakterze opiekunow osob starszych.
>Podstawowe wymogi ktore musza spelniac nasi pracownicy:
>- znajomosc j.angielskiego w stopniu pozwalajacym na swobodna
>- czysta historia kryminalna
>Mile widziane :
>- wyksztalcenie medyczne
>- prawo jazdy (polskie lub amerykanskie)
>- doswiadczenie w pracy z osobami starszymi
>Niezbedne :
>- szacunek do ludzi
>- chec niesienia pomocy
>- swiadomosc ze praca opiekuna jest praca rownie wazna jak praca
>pielegniarek czy lekarzy
>- chec zdobywania nowych umiejetnosci
>- otwarty umysl i umiejetnosc przystosowywania sie do nowych warunkow
A wizy zezwalajacej na prace przypadkiem nie potrzeba?...
W razie czego, przypominam:
"..1908 Unlawful Employment of Aliens -- Criminal Penalties
Title 8 U.S.C. § 1324a(a)(1)(A) makes it unlawful for any person or
other entity to hire, recruit, or refer for a fee, for employment in
the United States an alien knowing the alien is an unauthorized
alien, as defined in subsection 1324a(h)(3).
Subsection 1324a(2) makes it unlawful for any person or entity,
after hiring an alien for employment, to continue to employ the
alien in the United States knowing the alien is or has become an
unauthorized alien with respect to such employment.
Subsection 1324a(f) provides that any person or entity that engages
in a "pattern or practice" of violations of subsection (a)(1)(A) or
(a)(2) shall be fined not more than $3000 for each unauthorized
alien with respect to whom such a violation occurs, imprisoned for
not more than six months for the entire pattern or practice, or
both. The legislative history indicates that "a pattern or practice"
of violations is to be given a commonsense rather than overly
technical meaning, and must evidence regular, repeated and
intentional activities, but does not include isolated, sporadic or
accidental acts. H.R.Rep. No. 99-682, Part 3, 99th Cong., 2d Sess.
(1986), p. 59. See 8 C.F.R. § 274a.1(k).A scheme for civil
enforcement of the requirements of § 1324a through injunctions and
monetary penalties is set forth in § 1324a(e) and § 1324a(f)(2).
In addition, 18 U.S.C. § 1546(b) makes it a felony offense to use a
false identification document, or misuse a real one, for the purpose
of satisfying the employment verification provisions in 8 U.S.C. §