Data: 2008-01-24 23:48:58
Temat: Re: Podejmę prace dodatkowa, zleconą
Od: "Sn" <s...@s...pl> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]constrains nature. But sometimes nature
gains the ascendancy and preserves man's instinct, in spite of all custom,
good or bad.
98. Bias leading to error.--It is a deplorable thing to see all men
deliberating on means alone, and not on the end. Each thinks how he will
acquit himself in his condition; but as for the choice of condition, or of
country, chance gives them to us.
It is a pitiable thing to see so many Turks, heretics, and infidels follow
the way of their fathers for the sole reason that each has been imbued with
the prejudice that it is the best. And that fixes for each man his condition
of locksmith, soldier, etc.
Hence savages care nothing for Providence.
99. There is an universal and essential difference between the actions of
the will and all other actions.
The will is one of the chief factors in belief, not that it creates belief,
but because things are true or false according to the aspect in which we
look at them. The will, which prefers one aspect to another, turns away the
mind from considering the qualities of all that it does not like to see; and
thus the mind, moving in accord with the will, stops to consider the aspect
which it l
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