Data: 2008-01-24 23:41:58
Temat: Re: Informatyk/serwisant ślask
Od: "Sn" <s...@s...pl> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]occasionally in the town, was at
the house, and talked with her of religious things. After he was gone,
she sat leaning on the table, with tears running from her eyes; and
being asked what made her cry, she said, I was thinking about God. The
next day, being Saturday, she seemed a great part of the day to be in a
very affectionate frame, had four turns of crying and seemed to endeavor
to curb herself, and hide her tears, and was very backward to talk of
the occasion. On the Sabbath-day she was asked, whether she believed in
God; she answered, Yes. And being told that Christ was the Son of God,
she made ready answer, and said, I know it.
From this time there appeared a very remarkable abiding change in the
child. She has been very strict upon the Sabbath; and seems to long for
the Sabbath-day before it comes, and will often in the week time be
inquiring how long it is to the Sabbath-day, and must have the days
between particularly counted over, before she will be contented. She
seems to love God's house, and is very eager to go thither. Her mother
once asked her, why she had such a mind to go? whether it was not to see
fine folks? She said, No, it was to hear Mr. Edwards preach. When she is
in the place of worship, she is very far from spending her time there as
children at her age usually do, but appears with an attention that is
very extraordinary for such a child. She also appears very desirous at
all opportunities to go to private religious meetings; and is very still
and attentive
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