
PracaGrupypl.praca.szukanaNative speaker, 24, Los AngelesNative speaker, 24, Los Angeles
  • Data: 2003-06-19 16:41:01
    Temat: Native speaker, 24, Los Angeles
    Od: "Katarzyna Michalek" <> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
    [ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]

    Dzien dobry, my name is Jason DeBose, I am new to the country, currently
    staying in Warsaw while seeking work here in Poland as a teacher of English
    conversation and mathematics. I do have teaching experience as a private
    tutor, along with experience as an assistant in classes of larger groups
    (25-40). In my background, I have two bachellor's degrees and some command
    of the Spanish language as well. I can be reached at 0 501 965 775 and
    look forward to hearing from you.


    Dla tych, ktorzy nie wszystko zrozumieli:) Jason jest Amerykaninem, ktory
    szuka pracy jako native speaker. Kontakt z nim najlepiej nawiazac pod
    podanym numerem telefonu, lub piszac maila na adres zwrotny.
    Kasia M.

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