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From: "www.job-time.pl" <p...@l...pl>
Newsgroups: pl.praca.szukana
Subject: Manager of Plant Engineering, Switzerland
Date: Mon, 04 Jun 2012 14:20:26 +0200
Organization: "Portal Gazeta.pl -> http://www.gazeta.pl"
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]For our Client - company based in Switzerland we are looking for
Candidate on position:
*Manager of Plant Engineering*
Responsible for investment management, tools, infrastructure, layout and
site maintenance
*Detailed tasks*
- Consolidate the needs of production method, logistics, testing and
safety, communicating and negotiating with internal and external
customers to reach an agreement
- Preparation of analyzes, feasibility studies, etc. for optimum
technical solutions in accordance with the budget and rules of law and
- Investment planning, tools, maintenance infrastructure according to
project requirements and to the site, defining the strategy and
implementation plan.
- Budget management.
- Layouts management (regularly updates, prepare long-term strategy,
projects investment dans projects realization).
- Team Management to achieve the projects investment, infrastructure,
maintenance and tooling.
- Negotiations with consultants, suppliers, the Germany plant and other
parties to perform the tasks.
- Write files for internal monitoring progress.
- Knowledege the basics of civil engineering or infrastructure.
- Knowledege of swiss rules and laws for the execution of works.
- Experience in managing projects and budgets.
- Experience in negotiations with the authorities and suppliers.
- Team management skills.
- Excel and MS project.
- Sense of innovation, proactive.
- Knowledge of German (preferred) or/and English.
If interested please send us CV: e...@l...pl
LSJ Recruitment, licencja nr 4440
ul. Celna 1, 70-644 Szczecin
Phone: +48 91 814 52 52 E-mail: c...@l...pl
http://www.lsj.pl | http://www.it.lsj.pl
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