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Subject: MI5-Persecution: .net Magazine Applauds my Website (7110)
Newsgroups: pl.praca.szukana,misc.immigration.misc,rec.aviation.misc,alt.sex.glory-ho
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From: M...@m...gov.uk
Date: 16 Dec 2007 12:40:12 GMT
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]
MI5 Persecution: .net Magazine Applauds my Website
The March 1998 issue (number 42) of .net Magazine reviews the MI5
Persecution website describing it as an "excellent site". The webpages
describe in detail the nature of my persecution since 1990 by what are
believed to be elements of the UK security service.
(snip image)
You are encouraged to read the web pages which include
o a FAQ section outlining the nature of the persecutors, their methods
of harassment through the media, people at work and among the general public
o an evidence section, which carries audio and video clips of media and
workplace harassment, rated according to how directly I think they refer to me
o factual descriptions of the state security agencies involved
o scanned texts of the complaints I have made to media and state security agencies
o posts which have been made to netnews over the last three years on this topic
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