
PracaGrupypl.praca.szukanaŁódź-pracownik biurowy, projekty w Corel i Photoshop
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 2

  • 1. Data: 2008-01-24 08:32:44
    Temat: Łódź-pracownik biurowy, projekty w Corel i Photoshop
    Od: A <>


    Kobieta z piętnastoletnim doświadczeniem zawodowym. Zarejestrowana w RUP.
    Bardzo dobra znajomość obsługi komputera.
    Ostatnie miejsce pracy: agencja reklamowa.
    Wykonuję projekty: wizytówek, papierów firmowych, ulotek, etykiet,
    projekty nadruków na gadżety w programach Corel i Photoshop - również

    Podejmę pracę na 1/1 lub 1/2 etatu (do godz. 16:00).
    Chętnie również przyjmę pracę chałupniczą - zdolności manualne.


    Używam klienta poczty Opera Mail:

  • 2. Data: 2008-01-24 23:09:25
    Temat: Re: Łódź-pracownik biurowy, projekty w Corel i Photoshop
    Od: A <>

    and man.
    For those states, which please God and man, have one property which pleases
    God, and another which pleases men; as the greatness of Saint Teresa. What
    pleased God was her deep humility in the midst of her revelations; what
    pleased men was her light. And so we torment ourselves to imitate her
    discourses, thinking to imitate her conditions, and not so much to love what
    God loves and to put ourselves in the state which God loves.

    It is better not to fast, and be thereby humbled, than to fast and be
    self-satisfied therewith. The Pharisee and the Publican.

    What use will memory be to me, if it can alike hurt and help me, and all
    depends upon the blessing of God, who gives only to things done for Him,
    according to His rules and in His ways, the manner being thus as important
    as the thing and perhaps more; since God can bring forth good out of evil,
    and without God we bring forth evil out of good?

    500. The meaning of the words, good and evil.

    501. First step: to be blamed for doing evil, and praised for doing good.

    Second step: to be neither praised nor blamed.

    502. Abraham took nothing for himself, but only for his servants. So the
    righteous man takes for himself nothing of the world, nor of the applause of
    the world, but only for his passions, which he uses as their master, saying
    to the one, "Go," and to another, "Come." Sub te erit appetitus tuus.77 The
    passions thus subdued are virtues. Even God attributes to Himself avarice,
    jealousy, anger; and these are virtues as well as kindness, pity, constancy,
    which are also passions. We must employ them as slaves, and, leaving to them
    their food, prevent the soul from taking any of it, For, when the passions
    become masters, they are vices; and they give their nutriment to the soul,
    and the soul nourishes itself upon it and is poisoned.

    503. Philosophers have consecrated the vices by placing them in God Himself.
    Christians have consecrated the virtues.

    504. The just

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