polecaŁódź - Web Front End Craftsman
Ilość wypowiedzi w tym wątku: 1

  • 1. Data: 2014-06-05 17:23:58
    Temat: Łódź - Web Front End Craftsman
    Od: Andrzej Liskiewicz <>

    Web Front End Craftsman
    goodylabs is looking for a passionate Front End Web Craftsman eager to learn and
    prove his excellence in front-end web technologies. We believe the front-end is the
    "one ring to rule them all" and the key for customer's attention and loyalty you
    will be in a perfect position to gather valuable experience

    Job Responsibilities:
    building client-side code for beautiful Web applications, from HTML5 to CSS and
    collaborate in an agile environment to rapidly prototype digital products
    work with designers to create pixel-perfect, shiny UX.
    write high quality, manageable, well documented and self explanatory code

    Desired Skills and Experience:
    familiar with CSS precompilers and their syntax (LESS or SASS)
    familiar with the hottest JS frameworks (requireJS, Angular, Backbone, you name it)
    ability to bootstrap a simple UI project during a coffee break
    experience with some well recognized web application servers
    experience with browser-specific implementation of the so called HTML* standards (
    Hello Redmond ! )
    eager to discover new tools that make your work more efficient and fun

    goodylabs values define who we are what we do and how we do our job. We look for
    these values in every member of our team.
    Curiosity and Self-Motivation: as a general attitude towards work (and life in
    general). When you were 4 years old you probably kept asking your parents "Why?" all
    the time. You should still ask this question but look for an answer yourself.
    Excellence: every member of our team must demonstrate the ability to improve. You do
    not have to be excellent from the start but you have to try and show progress.
    Part of the goodylabs Community: Social, ethical and able to share knowledge with the
    team, customers and anyone you have contact with. We want to make friends with you.
    Quality: The quality of our work is super-important for us. Open and honest criticism
    is always welcome. Mistakes are OK, as long as you fix them.

    Essential skills:

    If you are interested, please do not hesitate to send us your CV at:

    About goodylabs:

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