polecaów => Specialist in the development of systems supporting businesKraków => Specialist in the development of systems supporting busines
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    Subject: Kraków => Specialist in the development of systems supporting busines
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    [ ukryj nagłówki ]

    Our client is one of the largest Polish transport companies, which
    operates around 400 means of transport daily. It connects city
    centers and tourist centers, as well as enables convenient travel
    abroad. It employs 8.5 thousand employees across the country.

    ***** Specialist in the development of systems supporting business proc

    ***** Job description:

    * Participation in the implementation of one of the Company's IT
    * Supervision, parameterization of modules and processes around the
    * Analysis of business needs and cooperation with representatives of
    the Company and the contractor in order to develop an optimal
    solution for the implemented tool
    * Identifying the impact of the implemented tool on the surrounding
    business processes
    * Identifying from the business side the processes of data exchange
    between the implemented tool and other areas of the Company
    * Identification from the business side of the data that will feed the
    implemented tool
    * Analyzing the final products of other teams in terms of their impact
    on the entire system
    * Participation in team work to ensure proper scope, quality and
    progress of work
    * Merit review of team work
    * Coordination of cooperation with the contractor/project manager on
    the part of the ordering party in terms of notifications related
    to the development and implementation of the system
    * Conducting analytical workshops (including coordinating
    pre-implementation analyses, creating test scenarios, preparing
    implementation documentation)
    * Engagement in the coordination of business team work
    * Supervision of the implementation of business team work
    * Creating analytical documentation, taking care of its consistency
    and completeness
    * Launching, testing of implemented business solutions
    * Diagnosing application problems
    * Working with documentation
    * Cooperation in user training and support in using the application
    * Supervision of the operation and performance of the application
    after implementation
    * Recognizing and analyzing business needs in the Office in the IT

    ***** Job requirements:

    * Secondary or higher education (Management and Economics preferred,
    but other fields are also welcome :))
    * Approximately 2 years of experience as a business application
    administrator (person identifying business requirements, having
    knowledge of business application parameterization)
    * Experience in the transport industry
    * Experience in the participation of making the transport timetables
    * Good command of English (B2)
    * Effective communication in the business and IT environment
    (cooperation with programming teams, testers and end users)
    * Diligence, responsibility, accuracy and analytical thinking
    * Engagement in the implementation of assigned tasks
    * Communicativeness and ability to work in a team
    * Knowledge of MS Office at an intermediate level
    * Knowledge of external conditions determining the transport planning
    * Knowledge of the principles of railway transport organization

    ***** Nice to have:

    * Practical knowledge of standards and project management
    * Knowledge of SQL language
    * Knowledge in the field of IT!

    ***** Benefits offered:

    * Employment contract, B2B or Contract for Services
    * Work in a rapidly developing team that values independence, openness
    and creativity
    * Hybrid work
    * Work for the largest employer in the railway passenger transport
    * Non-wage benefits, including: discount on railway tickets, medical
    and sports packages, funding for learning and training
    * Funding for holidays
    * Support for sports activities - company teams
    * An additional day off per year :)
    * Quarterly and recognition bonuses
    * Possibility of professional development
    * Work in a dynamic environment
    * Tools necessary for work (laptop, phone, monitor) - but you can also
    use your own tools, if you prefer ;)
    * Work in a friendly and supportive team
    * Non-corporate atmosphere

    Aplikuj tu / Send your CV:
    => => =>
    => => =>

    W przesłanych materiałach prosimy o dopisanie klauzuli
    następującej treści:

    Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych dla potrzeb tej i
    kolejnych rekrutacji (zgodnie z ustawą o ochronie danych
    osobowych z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997 roku t.j. Dz.U.2016 poz. 922).
    Jednocześnie wyrażam zgodę na udostępnienie moich danych
    osobowych potencjalnym pracodawcom.

    Potwierdzam prawdziwość powyższych danych i zgadzam się na
    przetwarzanie i administrowanie moimi danymi, które podałem/am
    do wiadomości TeamQuest Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie 00-814
    Warszawa ul. Miedziana 3A lok. 21 do celów rekrutacji
    pracowników. Jednocześnie oświadczam, że zostałam/em
    poinformowana/y iż administratorem moich danych jest TeamQuest
    Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Warszawie 00-814 Warszawa ul. Miedziana
    3A lok. 21 oraz że moje dane mogą zostać przekazane
    potencjalnym pracodawcom oraz, że mam prawo dostępu do treści
    swoich danych, prawo ich poprawiania, prawo sprzeciwu wobec ich
    przetwarzania w wyżej opisanym celu oraz wobec przekazywania
    danych innym podmiotom, a także prawo zażądania zaprzestania
    przetwarzania moich danych osobowych ze względu na moją
    szczególną sytuację. Podanie danych jest dobrowolne.
    Jednocześnie wyrażam zgodę na podejmowanie czynności mających
    na celu weryfikacje prawdziwości przekazanych przeze mnie
    dokumentów i informacji w nich zawartych.
    Pozostałe oferty:


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