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Date: Fri, 29 Apr 2005 19:21:43 +0200
From: jara <j...@a...pl>
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Subject: HOTEL !!! Front Desk Staff !!! Bellboy !!!
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]Curriculum Vitae
E-mail: j...@a...pl
Date and Place
of birth: 1 of June 1981, Warsaw
Marital status: single
Education: 2004-2001- Economics University in Warsaw
- Turistic and Hotel Studies (licentiate)
2001-1997- Grammar school number 60 in Warsaw,
ul. Nocznickiego 7
Experience: 05.10.2002 - 25.11.2002 - Geant Polska Sp. z o.o.
in Warsaw (marketing department)
Languages: English - good in writing and speaking
Russian- basic
IT: MS Windows, MS Office, Internet
Typewriting: very good
Activities: books, music and a good movie
Features of
character: responsibility, creativity, easiness in
communicating with people, possibility of working under
pressure and honesty
Any further information will be delivered if you required.
Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb
niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacji (zgodnie z ustawą o
ochronie danych osobowych z dn.29.08.1997 r. Dz. U. Nr.133, poz. 833).
Dir Sir/Madam,
I would like to introduce myself as a candidate for the position of
Front Desk Staff or Bellboy. I am also interesed in any position in Your
Hotel. Working in Your company would match my interests as well as
improve the company's image in the domestic and the international market.
As a worker I am a dynamic, disposable, responsible, I can concentrate
on the most important issues, I am also able to solve problems well. My
most important features of character are: easiness in comunicating with
people, creativity, ability to work in a group as well as working alone.
I am a graduate student of Economics University in Warsaw, Turistic and
Hotel Studies. I am loking for a job which will make use my knowledge
and abilities as well as my features of character. Working in Your Hotel
is crucial for me, taking to account my professional and personal life.
This is why I hope that You will consider my qualities as suitable for
the position of Front Desk Staff.
I will be glad to supply with any further information You may need.
I am looking forward to hear from You soon.
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