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Subject: "Get to know 'Muhammed The Best Of All Mankind"
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"Get to know 'Muhammed The Best Of All Mankind"
"Peace Be Upon Him"
A Muslim or not
no matter what you are
You must know Muhammed-peace be upon him-
** The world has longed for him to get it out of the darkness of
ignorance into the light of Peace &Faith.
**Even the trunk of the tree has also longed for him touching it.
**The stone has greeted him and the clouds have provided him with shade
**His enemies have admitted his honesty, truthfulness and justice.
************************************************** *********
Would you like to know him?
He has been an orphan since his birth with nothing to inherit from his
He has lived continently refusing the compition for life so that he
could be the model for his followers.
A shepherd he has been,just as his fellow prophets.
Being the most truthfull, the most honest, he has been the best
behaving in his community.
He has been far beyond obscenity& bad manners, the best neighbour, the
most patient and the best to deal with.
They have called him "the honest"for all virtual and beneficial manners
God has given to him :
such as forgivining, patience,justice, generousity, boldness chastity ,
shyness with no pride but humble
way to the extent that all his enemies have admitted all these facts.
Heraclius, the king of Romans ,has asked once Abu Sufian:"have you ever
accused him of telling lies
before his reclaim?,he replied"no"
Heraclius, then, has wondered how a person who couldnt lie about others
may lie about God"
)as mentioned in "Sahih Albukhary"(
Allah has protected him against all ignorant deeds which have been
oposed in his conistitution .
He has loathed stones & sculptures to the extent that he has never
attended any of the festivals or cermonies held for them.
All these features have been awarded by God to him so that he can get
ready to recieve His Revelation,
as well as to be protected against all foul deeds before and after His
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