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  • Data: 2005-10-05 13:01:43
    Temat: Fwd: How I got to Google, ch. 1
    Od: Tomasz Płókarz <t...@x...xn--p-ela.hahahaha.> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
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    Taka ciekawa ciekawostka dla ciekawskich - słyszałem, że Google szuka w
    Polsce ludzi do roboty :)

    ------- Treść oryginalnej wiadomości -------
    Od: "A Googler" <>
    Temat: How I got to Google, ch. 1
    Data: Wed, 05 Oct 2005 01:49:49 +0200

    Posted by Michael Krantz, Google Blog Team

    -- via craigslist, and thanks for asking. Our engineers, though, tend to
    come by
    more varied, and occasionally odder, routes. Some get recruited out of grad
    school, or by friends or former colleagues. Others just send their resumes
    to For a few engineers, though, the path has been more
    Peter Bradshaw, for instance, built "a music playing system based on
    cards with barcodes and webcams. Includes lego!" (No, I don't know what
    means, either.) Over the next few weeks, we're going to post some of their

    Like this one, from Systems Administrator Aaron Joyner:

    My story started when I came into work one morning and was unable to look
    something on Google. Being the sysadmin for my company at the time, it was
    responsibility to resolve the problem, so I started poking around. It
    turned out
    that our DNS server [ed: all the jargony stuff you'll hear in this anecdote
    refers to the software that websites use to connect and talk to each
    other] was
    returning an error when trying to look up, specifically a server
    failure error. Just as I'd convinced myself that it wasn't our problem but
    Google's, the problem suddenly resolved itself. I promptly forgot about it
    went back to my regular work.

    But then I came in the next morning and had exactly the same problem, so I
    started looking at Google's DNS responses very closely. It became clear
    that the
    specific combination of delegations and glue records they were returning
    see note above] would result in an eventual error approximately once per
    and this would then take it about five minutes to give up and try again.
    entirely convinced that I should point the finger at Google yet, I posted a
    message to my local Linux Users Group asking if anyone had had problems
    resolving addresses and got a couple "Yeah, I did have a
    problem like
    that once recently" responses.

    Thus reinforced, I headed over to, found the "Contact Us" page
    the "Report a problem" link, chunked in a brief problem description and a
    to the archived copy of the long technical description from that same
    list thread, and thought to myself, "Gee, I'll never hear about that
    again." But
    then one afternoon a week later I get an email that said, basically, "We've
    received your problem report, and forwarded it on to the appropriate
    if they need any further information they'll contact you. Thanks." Again, I
    thought, "Gee, how nice. I'll never hear about that again."

    But that evening I got an email from Dave Presotto (the guy who wrote the
    server for Plan9) saying that he was looking into it and would get back to
    Forty-five minutes later I got another email, this one describing how he
    believed they had accidentally fixed the problem earlier in the week due to
    general code cleanup, and asking what I thought of the solution. After I
    recovered my senses and stopped bouncing around the room, I had a few email
    exchanges with Dave, in the course of which I asked casually if they
    needed any
    good sysadmins out in Mountain View. He referred me, and the rest is

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