
PracaGrupypl.praca.dyskusjeEMIRATES szuka Stewardow - StewardessyEMIRATES szuka Stewardow - Stewardessy
  • Data: 2002-10-02 03:45:55
    Temat: EMIRATES szuka Stewardow - Stewardessy
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    jesli ktos szuka z was pracy jako steward - stewardessa to pospieszcie sie i
    szybko zlozcie podania na !!!!

    Z nieoficjalnych zrodel wiem ze p. Karine Pellan i Emirates robia interview
    w Warszawie 12.10 w hotelu
    Marriott. Jesli wam zalezy wyslijcie aplikacje on-line, bardzo szybko sie z
    wami skontatuja, bo zbieraja ludzi z Europy na kurs w listopadzie -150 osob
    !!! Wiem, ze juz 4 osoba zostaly wyslane zaproszenia mailami.
    24. siepnia interview mialo sie odbyc rowniez w Marriott ale zglosilo sie
    tylko 3 osoby i odwolali.

    Trzeba spelniac nw. warunki:

    -Looking for an exciting career as cabin crew with an international airline
    -21 - 28 years old
    -Possess a good standard of education to at least High School standard.
    -Fluent in written and spoken English (full fluency in another language is
    an asset).
    -Height between 158 cm and 178 cm for females and between 168 cm and 188 cm
    for males.
    -Weight in proportion to height.
    -Clear complexion.
    -Good eyesight without glasses (contact lenses acceptable) & the ability to
    -Tolerant and respectful towards all nationalities and cultures
    -A friendly and approachable person with highly developed interpersonal
    -Finally, you will be the sort of person who has the natural ability to
    provide excellent service within a team environment.

    A working environment that gets the best from people is more than just a
    place to work in. It's about how people work together and how they are
    motivated to excel. What unites us is a shared vision to be the most admired
    airline in the world as well as a strong sense of belonging to our "family".

    Contractual Benefits:
    -A tax-free salary complemented by generous allowances (aprox. 1300 USD)
    -A free, fully furnished shared apartment
    -36 days annual leave & free leave ticket
    -Generous travel concessions
    -Company medical care
    -Company transport to and from duty
    -Opportunity for career progression

    Po pozytywnym etapie rekrutacji trzeba bedzie zamieszkac w Dubaju, jednym z
    napiekniejszych i najdrozszych miast Swiata (na marginesie w Dubaju jest
    najdrozszy i najlepszy 7******* hotel Swiata - Burj al Arab). W Emirates
    pracuje 80 roznych narodowosci, wiec
    srodowisko jest multikulturalne. Ludzi z POlski jest b.malo.

    Ogolne informacje o liniach na lub mailem na

    Rzucilem posta 19.wrzesnia na pl.praca.oferowana i pl.praca.szukana
    zatytulowany "Stewardessa-Steward Emirates Dubai"

    Sorry za troche "nie na temat"



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