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From: Michal Harezlak <t...@y...com>
Newsgroups: pl.praca.szukana
Subject: DAM PRACE :: Krakow / Expert Production and Development System Administrator
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 14:07:02 +0100
Organization: tp.internet - http://www.tpi.pl/
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]The Expert System Administrator will be responsible for building and
managing stable, secure and reliable development, test and production
Responsibilities: Linux and Sun Solaris enterprise class Unix system
installation/administration; TCP/IP networking & switch
configuration/administration; Internet security administration
(firewalls, intrusion detection, ACL's, LDAP and account auditing); SAN
administration; Enterprise class monitoring software administration;
J2EE (BEA WebLogic, JBoss) server administration; Backups strategies;
Configuration management tools administration (CVS administration);
Windows XP/2000 workstations management and trouble shooting; Working
with QA and Development to build separate test and development
environments; Creating guidelines and procedures concerning
configuration and use of tools included in environment; Working with
oracle expert on RDBMS performance tuning. Participation in
configuration management process.
System Administrator will be assigned a key role of a Tool Smith. Tool
Smith will be responsible for building and managing tools repository.
This includes tracking of tools status, detecting and solving possible
version conflict.
Michal Harezlak
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