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From: Agnieszka Chojnowska <a...@g...com>
Newsgroups: pl.praca.oferowana
Subject: Community Engineer/ Poznan
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2011 16:18:53 +0100 (CET)
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[ ukryj nagłówki ]Wikia, a leading collaborative publishing platform, is currently
seeking a Community Engineer (i.e. you) to work in our Development
Center in downtown Poznan. We are looking for a technology enthusiast
who can work with our Community Support team to fix bugs, make tweaks,
fix bugs, respond to emergencies and generally keep our users happy.
Are you passionate about collaboration and creation (and wikis)? Want
to join a successful Silicon Valley-based start-up? Feel the buzz, set
web trends, make the world a little better? Join us!
The Offer
* Work on an exciting, popular product used by millions of
enthusiasts all over the world
* Be a part of a young, multi-cultural team of geeks (sometimes
called co-workers)
The Job
* Maintaining a complex system running MediaWiki and various
* Helping with problem assessment and bug reporting
* Developing features to assist & automate Community Support
* Leading communication between Developers, Community Support and
* Limited data mining
* Ad hoc bug fixing
Must know...
* Modern web standards: HTML5, CSS3, you know... the works ;)
* PHP & JavaScript
* Basic backend stuff (Linux & MySQL)
* How to effectively talk to humans in fluent English
Bonus points
You get bonus points if you:
* understand this:
?$('#cs').css('left', Math.min($('#cs').get(0).offsetLeft, ($
(window).width() -
$('#cs').get(0).offsetLeft - $('#cs').width() - 10)) + 'px');
* understand this:
[[foo|bar]]? {{sofixit}} --~~~~
* are a user
(give us a link to your user page on Wikia, Wikipedia or another
wiki site)
The Bad Stuff
* We'll probably have to make you fly to the USA once or twice a
year. Sorry.
You are...
* Open & friendly
* Willing to learn and try new things
* Able to manage tasks and priorities dynamically
How to apply
Contact information:
Agnieszka Chojnowska
Please send your CV in English.
And include the following legal gibberish somewhere in your CV:
Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb
niezbędnych przy realizacji procesu rekrutacji zgodnie z Ustawą z dn.
29.08.97 o Ochronie Danych Osobowych (DZ.U. nr 133, poz. 883).
If you're an active Wikipedia or Wikia editor, please enclose your
user name in the resume.
Najnowsze wątki z tej grupy
- Warszawa => Senior Front-End Developer (ES6, OOP) z biegłym jęz. ang
- Katowice => Solution Architect <=
- Warszawa => Integration Architect <=
- Katowice => Lead Front-end Developer - Remotely (JS, AngularJS, TypeSc
- Warszawa => Senior JAVA Developer <=
- Warszawa => Senior Java Developer <=
- Kraków => Front-End Developer (praca w pełni zdalna) <=
- Warszawa => Front-end Developer (websites - HTML5/CSS3) <=
- Warszawa => Młodszy konsultant ds. rekrutacji <=
- Warszawa => PROGRAMISTA C / C++ <=
- Warszawa => Front-end Developer (websites - HTML5/CSS3) <=
- Warszawa => Konsultant ds. rekrutacji IT <=
- Dąbrowa Górnicza => Quality Assurance Engineer, Tester (7-10 k netto
- Warszawa => Konsultant ds. Rekrutacji <=
Najnowsze wątki
- 2025-03-15 China-Kraków => Senior PHP Symfony Developer <=
- 2025-03-15 Wrocław => Konsultant wdrożeniowy Comarch XL (Logistyka, WMS, Produk
- 2025-03-15 Błonie => Analityk Systemów Informatycznych (TMS SPEED) <=
- 2025-03-15 Warszawa => Senior Frontend Developer (React + React Native) <=
- 2025-03-15 Warszawa => Java Full Stack Developer (Angular2+ experience) <=
- 2025-03-15 Warszawa => Java Full Stack Developer (Angular2+) <=
- 2025-03-15 China-Kraków => Key Account Manager IT <=
- 2025-03-14 Lublin => JavaScript / Node / Fullstack Developer <=
- 2025-03-14 Warszawa => Account Manager - Sprzedaż Usług Rekrutacyjnych <=
- 2025-03-14 Gliwice => Business Development Manager - Dział Sieci i Bezpieczeńst
- 2025-03-14 Gliwice => IT Expert (Network Systems area) <=
- 2025-03-14 Warszawa => Junior Rekruter <=
- 2025-03-14 Wrocław => Konsultant wdrożeniowy Comarch XL/Optima (Księgowość i
- 2025-03-14 China-Kraków => Senior PHP Symfony Developer <=
- 2025-03-14 Żerniki => Dyspozytor Międzynarodowy <=