Data: 2012-06-04 14:21:20
Temat: C++ Software Developer, Szczecin
Od: "www.job-time.pl" <p...@l...pl> szukaj wiadomości tego autora
[ pokaż wszystkie nagłówki ]For our Client we are looking for C++ Software Developer
- Participates in software development and implementation (design, code
writing, unit/module testing, documentation).
- Provides expert guidance for planning and analysis.
- Provides consultancy in a certain area of expertise.
- Higher technical education of Computer Science, Telecommunication or
- Good knowledge of C/C++ programming.
- Experience with Linux systems.
- Fluent English.
- Good expertise in the software development process.
- Creativity and willingness to improve.
- Drive and capability to make independent decisions.
If interested, please send CV: i...@l...pl
LSJ Recruitment, licencja nr 4440
ul. Celna 1, 70-644 Szczecin
Phone: +48 91 814 52 52 E-mail: c...@l...pl
http://www.lsj.pl | http://www.it.lsj.pl
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