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Szukana fraza: Autor: "" <d...@o...pl>
Znaleziono: 2000 wiadomości
angielski-szczecin-fce,cae,business English
2006-08-19 19:14:04 autor: b...@o...pl
--------------------------------------------- ------- --------------------------- - Will you be: - seeing her next Monday? - lunching with Bill on Monday? - letting my house? - leaving early ... [ więcej ]
grupa: pl.praca.szukana
szczecin-angielski dla wyjezd do pracy
2006-08-20 16:00:39 autor: b...@o...pl
listen to the radio iron Tom`s shirts mend sheets dye curtains hang pictures dust the sitting room whitewash the passage paint the bathroom door tidy the bookshelves put things into the ... [ więcej ]
grupa: pl.praca.szukana
szczecin-angielski dla wyjeżd do pracy
2006-08-21 15:44:49 autor: b...@o...pl
mend sheets dye curtains hang pictures dust the sitting room whitewash the passage paint the bathroom door tidy the bookshelves make toast post the letters lektor akedemicki lektor szkoly ... [ więcej ]
grupa: pl.praca.szukana
szczecin-angielski dla wyjeżd do pracy
2006-08-22 11:16:10 autor: b...@o...pl
mend sheets dye curtains hang pictures dust the sitting room whitewash the passage paint the bathroom door tidy the bookshelves put things into the deep-freeze make toast need the advice ... [ więcej ]
grupa: pl.praca.szukana
szczecin-angielski dla wyjeżd do pracy
2006-08-22 18:45:30 autor: b...@o...pl
mend sheets dye curtains hang pictures dust the sitting room whitewash the passage paint the bathroom door tidy the bookshelves put things into the deep-freeze make toast need the advice ... [ więcej ]
grupa: pl.praca.szukana
szczecin-angielski dla wyjeżd do pracy
2006-08-22 18:45:30 autor: b...@o...pl
mend sheets dye curtains hang pictures dust the sitting room whitewash the passage paint the bathroom door tidy the bookshelves put things into the deep-freeze make toast need the advice ... [ więcej ]
grupa: pl.praca.szukana
szczecin-angielski dla wyjeżd do pracy
2006-08-23 06:48:07 autor: b...@o...pl
mend sheets dye curtains hang pictures dust the sitting room whitewash the passage paint the bathroom door tidy the bookshelves put things into the deep-freeze make toast need the advice ... [ więcej ]
grupa: pl.praca.szukana
szczecin-angielski dla wyjeżd do pracy
2006-08-23 16:08:53 autor: b...@o...pl
mend sheets dye curtains hang pictures dust the sitting room whitewash the passage paint the bathroom door tidy the bookshelves put things into the deep-freeze make toast need the advice ... [ więcej ]
grupa: pl.praca.szukana
szczecin-angielski dla wyjeżd do pracy
2006-08-23 16:08:58 autor: b...@o...pl
mend sheets dye curtains hang pictures dust the sitting room whitewash the passage paint the bathroom door tidy the bookshelves put things into the deep-freeze make toast need the advice ... [ więcej ]
grupa: pl.praca.szukana
s z c z e c i n - a n g i e l s k i -- i n t e n s y w n y
2006-08-23 20:02:32 autor: b...@o...pl
How long: - have you been living here? - have you been looking for a job? - have you been learning Spanish? - have you been sleeping badly? - have you been paying his school fees? - have ... [ więcej ]
grupa: pl.praca.szukana